SBI Uncovers Corruption Scheme in Kyiv and Volyn TCPs

The State Bureau of Investigation suspects two officials of the command of one of the branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of organizing an illegal scheme to update military registration data in the Central Military District of Kyiv and Volyn. They face up to ten years in prison for this crime.
According to law enforcement, in January 2025, a lieutenant colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told the conscript that he had acquaintances in the Kyiv TCP and the Kyiv Joint Stock Company who could help update the data and enter it into the “Oberig” registry for a reward of $4,000. The man agreed, and the official later received the agreed amount.
Using the same scheme, the lieutenant colonel further organized the men to update their military registration data in one of the TCPs and SS of the Volyn region, where he also had acquaintances. The suspect promised the conscripts to complete all the documentation without their presence. The cost of such services was $9,000.
The SBI adds that in February 2025, a colonel from the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine contacted the acting head of one of the TCPs and SS of the Volyn region and asked to help his subordinate with money. The scheme was used by three conscripts, who transferred the money in two parts - 9 thousand and 13 thousand dollars.
Law enforcement officers detained the officials while receiving the third part of the bribe. Both face up to ten years in prison under Part 5 of Article 27, Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receiving an unlawful benefit by an official).
Recently, in the Lviv region, law enforcement officers exposed and detained an economist at a defense enterprise who was employing men liable for military service in exchange for bribes in order to receive "armor" from mobilization.
In addition, the police exposed an orthopedic traumatologist at the Drohobych District Municipal Hospital for accepting a $2,000 bribe .