The ex-head of the Nikopol DSA and accomplices were sentenced to 7 years

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) found guilty of the heavy vikonuvach of the obligatory heads of one of the regional state administrations of the Dnipropetrovsk region, a private enterprise and an earthen engineer. Each of them was assigned punishment for the appearance of 7 rocks of loss of will.
Behind the data of the serpents, the suspects are the ex-head of the Nikopol regional government administration Gennady Zimin, earth engineer Viktor Selin and entrepreneur Tetyana Gilka.
On June 9, 2024, the panel of judges of the HACC praised the leaders who found guilty the ex-head of one of the local RDAs, a private entrepreneur and a land surveyor for wasting pennies on the local budget in a particularly large scale ire for more detailed documents. Also, the enterprise was found to be guilty of a financial transaction involving the “draining” of these assets. The individuals were found guilty of criminal offenses committed under Part 5 of Art. 191, part 1 art. 366, part 1 art. 209 CC of Ukraine
Each of the accused was sentenced to punishment in the form of reduced freedom for lines 7 rocks with the confiscation of half a mine and the reduction of the right to occupy pennies, plant and engage in singing activities for lines from 1 to 3 rocks.
Before Gennady Zimin, Viktor Selina and Aunt Gilka, an alternative approach was also established for the appearance of a special goiter with additional bandages.
The virok has not yet gained legal force and there may be objections for 30 days at the HACC Appeals Chamber.
Previously, we wrote that NABU, together with the SAP, announced the suspicion of the huge head of the Dnipropetrovsk RBA, Valentin Reznichenko, and several other persons in connection with the crimes within the framework of the Great Awakening program.
Moreover, detectives of the SBI completed a pre-trial investigation of the head of the Novomoskovskaya Miska for the sake of Sergius Reznik and the secretary for the sake of Volodymyr Arutyunov. Officials are seeking a haul of 30 thousand dollars from an employer who plans to create housing for displaced people near the town of Novomoskovsk, Dnipropetrovsk region. The indictment has already been submitted to the court.