The Lviv customs officer sold fictitious "white tickets" for $13,000

For $13,000, the Lviv customs officer provided petitioners with certificates of unfitness.
According to the SBI, members of the families of law enforcement officers and criminals are involved in the scheme.
As reported by the Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Western region and the State Security Bureau, the 29-year-old customs inspector was looking for people willing to cross the border illegally and assured potential "clients" that he could agree on declaring them unfit for military service and produce documents without going through any commissions. that make it possible to legally leave the country.
According to the operational data of the law enforcement officers, more than ten people were involved in the "white ticket" trade scheme, including family members of law enforcement officers and criminals. While receiving the second tranche in the amount of 3 thousand US dollars, the inspector was detained. He received another 10,000 the day before as an advance.
He estimated the cost of his "services" at 13 thousand US dollars. and according to the operative data of the law enforcement officers, more than ten people were involved in the "white ticket" trade scheme, including family members of law enforcement officers and criminals. While receiving the second tranche in the amount of 3 thousand US dollars, the inspector was detained. He received another 10,000 the day before as an advance.
The Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police specified that the customs officer, who is the organizer of the scheme, and his accomplice were detained.
The customs officer instructed the accomplice to receive the second tranche ($3,000), fearing exposure. The customs officer and other participants in the criminal scheme offered several options for transportation to European countries - both through official checkpoints and outside them - the cost of the "service" of the parcel was formed depending on its type.
The customs officer offered different ways to illegally transport conscripts across the state border to EU countries. The customs officer valued his assistance with leaving outside the official checkpoint through the forest at $10,000.
It was more expensive for men to issue fictitious documents with the conclusion of the military medical commission certifying the person's unfitness for further military service. The cost of the so-called "white ticket" was $13,000 per person.
The customs officer's place of work was searched. Mobile phones, license plates, originals and copies of military registration documents of more than 20 people were seized. The detainee was informed of the suspicion of smuggling a person across the state border (Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The punishment prescribed by the article is imprisonment for a term of up to nine years.
As previously reported by the mass media, it is about the detention of the customs inspector Oles Kiru. After being detained on suspicion of transporting evaders abroad, the customs officer was dismissed from his job.