In Vinnytsia region, a scheme of fictitious diagnoses to evade service was exposed

At Mogiliv-Podilsky, the local lawyer encouraged the military people who wanted to avoid further military service. The manager of one of the medicine departments, a member of the Military Medicine Commission, was caught before the illegal activity.
For a pittance, the criminals obliged the “clients” to provide false information to medical documentation about fictitious diagnoses. The value of their “services” was estimated at 6,000 dollars.
During searches at the medical office located in the office and behind the place of the lawyer's work, the police obtained pennies, confiscated by a malicious method, medical documents with signs of Other telephones and computer equipment with evidence of illegal activity.
We were informed about the suspicion of criminal offenses committed under Part 3 of Art. 368 (acceptance of propositions, accusations or acquisition of unlawful benefits by an official) and part 1 of Art. 366 (service subdivision) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanctions of the articles extend up to ten years in connection with the tri-tric exemption of the right to seize the singing plantations and engage in singing activity, with the confiscation of the lane.
The court gave the defendants an alternative approach to the front door with the right to impose a ban.
Guess what, the Great Anti-Corruption Court has closed the door on the appearance of a barrier of 1 million UAH to the lawyer Tetyana Berezhnaya, as NABU and SAP suspect that the given 400 dollars of illegal benefit to the Bilgorod-Dn court Istrovsky Municipal Court of Odessa Region Oleksandr Boyarsky .