Court Reduces Bail for Cherkasy Prosecutor

The High Anti-Corruption Court reduced the bail amount from UAH 3 million to UAH 2.25 million and extended the term of office of Anton Grekov, the prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of Law Enforcement by Bodies Combating Organized Crime of the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office, until February 12.
The Pechersky District Court of Kyiv arrested Grekov with the alternative of 3 million UAH bail. These funds were deposited and he was given the following obligations: not to leave Cherkasy without permission; to report a change in his place of residence and/or place of work; to refrain from communicating with the suspect, as well as other witnesses and victims in the proceedings; to hand over his foreign passports for safekeeping.
Later, the court canceled the obligation not to leave Cherkasy without permission, and left the rest of the obligations unchanged. Therefore, the SAPO prosecutor asked to extend these obligations for another two months. The judge decided to leave only two obligations of Grekov: to report a change in his place of residence and/or work, and to keep his foreign passports in custody. The court also reduced the bail from 3 to 2.25 million UAH.
To reduce for the suspect (Grekov - ed.) the amount of the preventive measure applied in accordance with the decision of the investigating judge of the Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv dated April 13, 2024 in the form of a bail of 991 subsistence minimums for able-bodied persons, which in monetary equivalent was UAH 3,000,748 to UAH 2,249,548... To extend within the pre-trial investigation period until February 12, 2025 inclusive, the term of the duties imposed on the suspect
Previously, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended until February 12 the pre-trial investigation into the case of Anton Grekov suspected of receiving a bribe.
Anton Grekov is a figure in the EBK database.