Illegal Draft Evasion Scheme Uncovered in Lutsk

SBI officers exposed a law enforcement officer from Lutsk in Volyn who, together with two accomplices, organized the smuggling of men of draft age across the border for $10,000.
According to the bureau, in January of this year, the law enforcement officer met with a conscript friend who was looking for ways to travel abroad. He assured him that he could smuggle him to Poland outside the checkpoint in the Volyn region.
The men estimated the cost of the service at $10,000. The law enforcement officer assured them that he would take the man directly to the border, bypassing the checkpoints, and help him cross the border. The “client” was ordered to gather the necessary things and wait for the signal.
On February 24, he was informed that everything was ready for the transfer and a meeting was scheduled in Lutsk. There, the client gave his accomplice an advance payment of $1,000. Then, the man was taken closer to the border with Poland.
However, after transferring the remaining money – $9,000 – all the organizers of the scheme were detained by SBI officers.
Earlier, Kyiv region police officers exposed a surgeon who offered a serviceman help in falsifying medical documents for money . The doctor was detained while transferring the funds and faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property.
We also reported that in Lviv, police officers, together with operatives from the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police, exposed a criminal group that smuggled conscripts abroad under the guise of humanitarian aid drivers. According to the investigation, the scheme was organized by a 53-year-old Lviv resident together with a representative of a charitable foundation and a civil servant.