HACC to Hear Ex-MP Kornatskyi’s Case

The High Anti-Corruption Court has scheduled for consideration on the merits the case against former MP Arkady Kornatskyi for illegal receipt of 914 thousand hryvnias in compensation for renting a hotel room in Kyiv.
To schedule a trial of the criminal proceedings on the accusation (of Kornatsky – ed.) of committing a criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for 3:00 p.m. on January 30, 2025 at the premises of the High Anti-Corruption Court
Earlier, the High Anti-Corruption Court applied a preventive measure to former People's Deputy Kornatsky. He was set a bail of UAH 908,400 and was given the following obligations: to appear upon every demand; to report any change in his place of residence and/or place of work; and to refrain from communicating with witnesses.
As a reminder, NABU and SAPO reported suspicions to former People's Deputy Arkady Kornatsky. According to the investigation, from 2014 to 2019, the former People's Deputy illegally received compensation from the budget of the Verkhovna Rada Apparatus for accommodation in a hotel room, which was assigned to people's deputies who did not have their own housing in the capital. Having concealed the fact that he had his own housing in Kyiv, the deputy illegally received UAH 914,000 during the specified period.
Previously, the former deputy chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Council was taken into custody - HACC.
We also wrote that the chief psychiatrist of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is suspected of illegal enrichment.