HACC increased the bail of the ex-general director of Kharkiv Oblenergo to UAH 8 million

NABU and SAP suspect him of being involved in the theft of 12.5 million UAH from businesses and seizing another 120 million UAH.
Previously, the anti-corruption court decided not to take Logvinenko under arrest, but instead found the prisoner to be 3.5 million UAH. Also, the suspected person is subject to additional duties: to respond to calls, not to leave Kiev without permission, to inform about a change of place of residence or work, not to contact other suspects, to and passports and wear an electronic bracelet.
The prosecutor's office filed an appeal against the decision. The court, having satisfied the appeal's squab in part, scrapped the previous decision based on the size of the force and established a new size - 8 million UAH, and in the other part the decision was lost without change.
Anti-corruption authorities have raised suspicions against Logvynenka and four other persons for being involved in the production of funds from Kharkivoblenergo in 2021 through the purchase of property at protected prices.
As a result of the partial implementation of the agreement, the enterprise was given a surplus of 12.5 million UAH, and plans for the additional 120 million UAH were not implemented through the military and NABU.
We also wrote that the High Anti-Corruption Court, having found, before considering the facts, the charges of the former chief defender of the General Director of the Kharkiv State Aviation Manufacturing Enterprise, Igor Suntsov , who was convicted for embezzling over 36 million UAH.