HACC removes electronic monitor from AMCU head Kyrylenko

The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has removed the electronic bracelet and allowed Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Antimonopoly Committee, to move freely around Ukraine. NABU and SAPO suspect him of illegal enrichment of UAH 72.1 million, as well as of false declarations. This is reported by Slovo i Dilo.
The Anti-Corruption Court refused to arrest Kyrylenko and released him on bail of UAH 30.28 million. He was also given the following obligations: to appear upon first demand; to report any change of residence; not to leave Kyiv without permission; to refrain from communicating with witnesses; to surrender his foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet.
Kyrylenko's defense attorney requested a change in the preventive measure. According to the interlocutors of Slovo i Dilo journalists, the lawyer requested the lifting of some restrictions, as they prevent the AMCU chairman from performing his duties, in particular, from visiting the committee's territorial branches in the regions. Judge Voronko partially granted the request, removing the bracelet and changing the ban on leaving Kyiv at the border of Ukraine.
The motion is partially granted. To change the preventive measure applied to (Kyrilenko – ed.), in terms of additional obligations imposed on the suspect, namely: the obligation stipulated in clause 2, part 5, article 194 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, to be imposed on the suspect in the following wording – not to leave Ukraine without the permission of a detective, prosecutor or court; the obligation stipulated in clause 9, part 5, article 194 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, to wear an electronic monitoring device – to be canceled. In the rest, the preventive measure is left unchanged
Previously, the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court did not allow the head of the Antimonopoly Committee, Pavlo Kyrylenko, to go on a foreign business trip to Paris , France for events of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) between December 2-6.
Pavlo Kyrylenko is a suspect in the EBK database.