Position: former head of the utility company "Special Combine of Funeral and Ritual Services" in Poltava.
Sphere of corrupt activity: funeral services.
Region of corruption activity: the city of Poltava.
Qualification: Dikhtyaryov's actions were qualified under part 3 of Art. 368 of the Civil Code.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: on August 3, 2021, law enforcement officers detained Anatoly Mudrenko, a worker of the KP "Special Combine for Funeral and Ritual Services", who was supposed to give a bribe to the director of the KP Denys Dikhtyaryov. The official himself received a report of suspicion on the evening of August 4. He tried to avoid this by hiding in a medical facility.
According to the register of court decisions, the man from whom money was demanded first turned to the administration of the "Special Complex of Funeral and Ritual Services". There he was told that all questions regarding the burial were decided by the director himself, Denys Dikhtyaryov. The man went to him, but Dikhtyaryov directed him to Mudrenko.
In turn, Mudrenko said that in addition to the official payment to the cash register, the man must pay UAH 10,000 for the allocation of each plot of land for burial. The "client" transferred the first part of the funds to Mudrenka on July 30, on the basis of the utility company. The client's uncle was buried the next day.
And on August 2, Denys Dikhtyaryov informed his husband that he would instruct Anatoly Mudrenko to reduce the amount of the bribe for reserving the second plot of land to UAH 8,000. It was these funds that the man handed over on August 3.
On August 6, the October District Court of Poltava chose a preventive measure for Dikhtyaryov. Judge Larisa Golnyk took him into custody with the right to deposit 142.7 thousand UAH bail, although the prosecutors asked to determine a larger amount of bail — 951.5 thousand UAH.
As the chief prosecutor of the region, Anton Stolitniy, said at the time, the prosecutor's office tried to appeal this decision. At the same time, Stolitnyi assured that the investigators have direct evidence of the involvement of the director of KP Dikhtyaryov in bribery. In addition, after the detention of Dikhtyarev and Mudrenko, law enforcement officers called on the citizens of Poltava to report similar incidents that happened to them. According to Stolitnyi, within a week after the arrest, 5 such appeals were processed.
But in Mudrenko's actions, the court saw signs of illegal extortion and receipt of material benefits or property benefits for performing any actions using the position that a person holds at the enterprise (Part 3 of Article 354 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and fined UAH 8,500 for this . In addition, Mudrenko must reimburse almost 8,000 court costs.
In February 2024, the October District Court of Poltava passed a verdict against Denys Dikhtyaryov and his subordinate Anatoly Mudrenko.
Denys Dikhtyarev - the court found him innocent and acquitted him. The court canceled all property seizures and pledges. The court found Anatoliy Mudrenka, who worked for a communal entrepreneur as an earth-digger and land construction worker, guilty and fined 8,500 hryvnias.
Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: Anatoliy Mudrenko, a subordinate of Denys Dikhtyarev, who worked for a communal entrepreneur as a digger and land construction worker, was also involved in the case. The court found him guilty and imposed a fine of 8,500 hryvnias.
Assets: in the declaration for 2020, Dikhtyaryov indicated that he owns an apartment in Poltava, and his wife - a residential building in the same city.

Denys Dikhtyaryov's income for 2020 was only UAH 80,000. The ex-official did not mention cash assets. Instead, in 2019, he declared 50,000 hryvnias of income from entrepreneurial activity.

Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: law enforcement agencies responded in time to the criminal activity of Denys Dikhtyaryov.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, he was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.
In Poltava, the court acquitted the ex-director of the funeral bureau suspected of bribery