Position: head of the Department of Combating Contraband and Violations of Customs Rules of Rivne Customs.
Sphere of corrupt activity: customs.
Region of corruption activity: Rivne region.
Qualification: Part 4 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (receiving a bribe in a particularly large amount or by an official who occupies a particularly responsible position).
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: in July 2024, NABU and SAP reported the suspicion to an official of the Rivne Customs.
According to the investigation, the head of one of the departments of the Rivne Customs, in collusion with other officials of the State Customs Service, arranged to receive bribes for "assistance" to companies in unhindered passage of customs control during the registration of imported goods.
In particular, using his official position, he facilitated the customs clearance of such goods at the Rivne Customs at reduced tariffs. The received funds were then distributed among all participants of the criminal scheme.
His actions are qualified under Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
According to "Word and Deed", it is about Dzyuba.
Subsequently, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court took Andrii Dzyuba, the head of the department for combating smuggling and violations of customs rules of Rivne Customs, into custody.
The Investigating Judge of the HACC supported the position of the prosecution and imposed a preventive measure on the head of one of the departments of Rivne Customs. Thus, the court imposed a preventive measure on the suspect in the form of detention for a period of 60 days (until August 31, 2024 inclusive) with the alternative of paying UAH 14,991,684 in bail
On October 28, 2024, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court suspended Andrii Dzyuba from the position of head of the department for combating smuggling and violations of customs rules of the Rivne Customs until December 23. NABU and SAP suspect him of bribery.
As you know, the anti-corruption court extended Dzyuba's arrest for two months. According to "Word and Deed" information, bail was posted for Dzyuba and he was released from duty. So NABU and SAP asked to remove him from his post.
Grant the request. Remove the suspect from the post of head of the Department of Combating Contraband and Customs Violations of Rivne Customs for two months, i.e. until December 23, 2024, inclusive, but within the limits of the pre-trial investigation
In December, the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court suspended Andriy Dzyuba from his position as head of the department for combating smuggling and customs violations at Rivne Customs. The NABU and the SAPO suspect him of bribery.
This decision was made by the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court, reports Slovo i Dilo.
As is known, the anti-corruption court previously suspended Dzyuba from his position until December 23. His defense attorney filed an appeal against this decision.
The appeal shall be dismissed, and the ruling of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court of October 23, 2024 shall be left unchanged. The ruling shall enter into force from the moment of its promulgation, shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal in cassation.
In December 2024, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended the term of office of the suspended head of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Violations of Customs Rules of the Rivne Customs, Andriy Dzyuba, until February 9, 2025.
As is known, the anti-corruption court extended Dzyuba's arrest for two months. These funds were paid and he was released from custody. The suspect was given the following obligations: to appear at every call; not to leave Kyiv and Kyiv region without permission; to report any change in his place of residence and work; to refrain from communicating with a number of people; to hand over his foreign passports and wear an electronic bracelet. The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office requested the extension of the action
The motion to extend the term of the duties assigned to the suspect (Dzyuba – ed.) is partially granted. The suspect's term of duties is extended for two months – until February 9, 2025.
In January 2025, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court extended until July 3 the investigation into the suspicion of the head of the department for combating smuggling and violations of customs rules of the Rivne Customs, Andriy Dzyuba, of receiving illegal benefits.
The motion is granted. The term of the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings is extended to twelve months, i.e. until July 3, 2025 inclusive. The resolution enters into force from the moment of its announcement. The resolution is not subject to separate appeal. Objections to the resolution may be filed during the preparatory proceedings in court

Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: other participants in the corruption scheme are identified.
Assets: in the declaration for 2023, Dzyuba listed two apartments and a plot of land, as well as two cars, which were bought in 2022 and registered to his wife, Iryna Dzyuba.
He also noted that he has 90,000 dollars, 900,000 UAH, 1,900,000 UAH in cash, his son keeps 200,000 UAH in cash, his wife has 140,000 UAH.

Scandals: from open sources it is not known about other scandals in which Dzyuba would still appear.
Persons who should have reacted: in the case of Dzyuba, the law enforcement officers reacted in time.