Position: judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal.
Sphere of corrupt activity: justice.
Region of corruption activity: Kyiv.
Qualification: Part 3 Art. 28 - commission of a criminal offense by a group of persons, a group of persons under a prior conspiracy, an organized group or a criminal organization), Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an illegal benefit by an official).
He faces from 8 to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 3 years.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: in November 2023, NABU and SAP exposed four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeals for receiving illegal benefits.
According to the investigation, judge Vyacheslav Dzyubin received $35,000 in illegal benefits for removing the seizure of two planes in the case of the former head of Motor-Sichi Vyacheslav Boguslaev. 10 thousand dollars Dzyubin kept this amount for himself, and the remaining 25,000 dollars. for three other judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal - Yuriy Slyva, Ihor Palenyk and Viktor Glynany.
In particular, Palenyk received $25,000 from Dzyubin. in a whiskey box. In the future, 8300 dollars. he packed them in a coffee bag and handed them to Judge Sliva.
Judge Glyniany received 8,300 dollars. in the advertising brochure of the Internet provider.
During the searches, they found 10,000 dollars from Dzyubin, which was transferred as an illegal benefit, and all 25,000 dollars were found from Palenyk. illegitimate benefit, since, according to the investigation, he changed the bills before handing them over to judges Sliva and Glynyan. 8,300 dollars were found in Sliva and Glynyany.
The judge chose Dzyubin's preventive measure via video link, because he was in the hospital for almost three weeks.
"We believe that there are no medical obstacles for detention," the prosecutor said.
He also asked for bail in the amount of UAH 6,999,872, taking into account the judge's official income for the past years.
The lawyer noted that Dzyubin is being treated for a chronic illness, not one that "occurs after the suspicion is served."
Therefore, he may need specialized medical care, which cannot be provided in the detention center.
"I would ask for a preventive measure not related to detention. Negotiations are now underway to conclude a contract with a neurosurgeon. He will be able to provide medical assistance at home. We can eliminate all risks by wearing a bracelet," said the defense attorney.
The court partially granted the request of the prosecutor.
"Apply a preventive measure in the form of a bail of UAH 4 million. Assign duties to come to the prosecutor's office, not to leave Kyiv, not to communicate with other suspected judges, to hand over passports, to wear an electronic means of control," the investigating judge ruled.
In addition, on December 20, 2023, it became known that the Appellate Chamber of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court left under arrest 37,300 dollars seized during the search of the judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeals, Vyacheslav Dzyubin. NABU and SAP suspect him of receiving $10,000 in illegal profits.
As indicated, NABU detectives seized $37,300 from Dzyubin's home and office, of which $10,000 was identified as part of the illegal gain. The anti-corruption court seized all funds to ensure the probable confiscation of property as a form of punishment. The judge's lawyer filed an appeal against this decision.
"The appeal should be dismissed. The ruling of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court of December 5, 2023 should be left unchanged," the decision reads.
In September 2024, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office referred the case of four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal to court. Also, the Supreme Council of Justice suspended the judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, Vyacheslav Dzyubin, Yuriy Sliva, Ihor Palenyk, and Viktor Glynany, from considering court cases until the judgment becomes final or the proceedings are closed.
The High Council of Justice decided to grant the request of the Deputy Prosecutor General, head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office Oleksandr Klymenko. Temporarily suspend the judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeals Vyacheslav Dzyubin from the administration of justice in connection with bringing to criminal responsibility until the judgment becomes final or the closing of the criminal proceedings accusing Vyacheslav Dzyubin of committing a criminal offense provided for in part 3 of article 28, part 4 Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Similar decisions were made by the Supreme Administrative Court in relation to judges Sliva, Palenyk, and Glyniany.
Persons potentially involved in corruption:
From December 5 to 8, 2023, the High Anti-Corruption Court arrested judges Yuri Sliva, Ihor Palenyk, Viktor Glynany. At the same time, the court set them on bail.
For Sliva - about 2.5 million hryvnias, Palenyk - about 4 million hryvnias, and Glynany - about 5 million hryvnias.
The fourth suspected judge, V'yacheslav Dzyubin, was in the hospital, so his bail was chosen via video link - in the form of a bail of 4 million hryvnias.
Judges Sliva and Glynyany left the pretrial detention center, judge Palenyk is still in the pretrial detention center, judge Dzyubin is in the hospital.
It is interesting that the detectives recorded the further path of the received bribe. Dzyubin simply left his share in his office.
The judge put the rest of the funds, namely $25,000, into a whiskey box and took it to Palenyk's office, where they had a short dialogue. Dzyubin: "this is kAnyak, kAnyak. Not cognac, but whiskey, as you love everything." Palenik at that moment put the box under the table, and Dzyubin added: "Drink to my health."
Then, in fact, Judge Palenyk accepted the baton. In order to transfer 8.3 thousand dollars each to his colleagues Glynyany and Sliva, he replaced the bills with his own, and then packaged them in a coffee bag and an Internet provider's advertising package.
At the same time, during the distribution of the "reward", he used the "best" acting skills. Handing over a bribe to Glynyany under the guise of an advertisement, Palenyk remarked: "Here, the advertisement is like that, you read it, the Internet is good."
In January 2024, the judges of the Appellate Chamber of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court left unchanged the preventive measure for the judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeals Vyacheslav Dzyubin — 4 million hryvnias bail.
About six people posted bail for Dzyubin, including Dzyubin himself, as well as his two lawyers, who each paid UAH 390,000.
Ihor Palenyk and V'yacheslav Dzyubin.

Yuriy Sliva and Viktor Glynyany.

Ihor Palenyk, Yuriy Sliva and Viktor Glynyany.

Wealth: the declaration for 2020 states that Dzyubin received UAH 2,046,999 in salary from his official place of work. He also has a car Mazda СХ-5 general car - general station wagon - B, 2019, price — 842,800 UAH.
In addition, Dzyubin and his wife own 800,000 UAH and 10,000 dollars
cash. In particular, he also has UAH 452,547 in his bank account.

Scandals: before the aforementioned corruption story, he was not involved in high-profile scandals.
Persons who should have reacted to corruption schemes during his tenure: in the case of Dzyubin, law enforcement agencies reacted in time.
"Drink to my health too." How judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal distributed bribes
VAKS left more than $35,000 arrested by the judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal
A preventive measure was chosen for the fourth judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal