Position: judge of Mizhhirsky district court of Zakarpattia region
Sphere of corrupt activity: justice.
Region of corruption : Zakarpattia.
Qualification: Part 3 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt by an official of an unlawful benefit, as well as a request to provide such a benefit for himself or a third person for the act or omission of such an official in the interests of the person who offers, promises or provides an unlawful benefit, or in the interests of by a third person of any action using the power or official position granted to him - the subject of which was an illegal benefit in a large amount, or committed by an official who occupies a responsible position, or with a prior collusion by a group of persons, or repeatedly, or combined with the demand for an illegal benefit, - is punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of five to ten years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, with confiscation of property.
Status: On December 6, 2022, the Supreme Court left unchanged the sentence that sentenced the judge of the Mizhhirsky District Court of Zakarpattia Oblast to 5 years in prison with the confiscation of all property.
Now he is in the Minsk colony.
The plot of the case: on May 31, 2022, the Appellate Chamber of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court left unchanged the verdict, which sentenced the judge of the Mizhhirskyi District Court of the Zakarpattia Region, Anton Haydur, to 5 years of imprisonment.
On March 22, 2021, the High Anti-Corruption Court found Anton Haydur, the judge of the Mizhhirskyi District Court of the Zakarpattia region, guilty of receiving an illegal benefit. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a 3-year disqualification from serving as a judge. In addition, the judges decided to confiscate all property belonging to Anton Haydur.
According to the indictment, in January 2020, a local resident, Yasinko, filed a civil lawsuit with the Mizhhirskyi District Court to recover 150,000 hryvnias for construction work. The lawsuit was considered by judge Haydur.
On the advice of an acquaintance, the plaintiff applied for consultations with the head of the court Haydur regarding the case. During the meeting, the judge, according to the prosecution, said that he was ready to settle the lawsuit for 10% of its amount - 15,000 hryvnias.
After the lawsuit was settled, Yasynko brought money to the judge. Haydur invited him to a separate office - across from him - and instructed him to leave the money in the closet among the folders. After that, the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau conducted a search, during which they found a cardboard box with the inscription "Plasticine of 5 colors" in the left pocket of the judge's jacket, which contained 15 thousand hryvnias.
Thus, on February 5, 2021, Haydur was exposed "hotly" while receiving 15 thousand hryvnias of illegal benefits by detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau together with employees of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police in Zakarpattia Oblast under the procedural guidance of prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.
The suspect was handed over to Haydur on February 8, 2020. VAKS chose a preventive measure for him in the form of bail - about 170,000 hryvnias.
In June 2020, the Supreme Council of Justice suspended him from justice until the verdict comes into force or until the indictment is dropped.
The accused and his lawyer Volodymyr Bella denied the charges and considered Yasinka's actions a provocation of a crime.

Persons potentially involved in Anton Haydur's schemes: Engaged in corruption independently.
Scandals : The media is not aware of this.
Persons who should have responded to Anton Haydur's corruption schemes:
In the case of Anton Haydur, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office and the court worked well.
Assets: Apartment in Mizhhirya, Zakarpattia region, 141 sq m, six plots of land of 5-10 acres each, unfinished house 56 sq m, car VAZ 21099, salary 850 thousand UAH in 2020.

5 years in prison: VAKS upheld the sentence of the Transcarpathian judge
The court did not change the preventive measure of the suspect NABU judge
Unified state register of declarations
A judge from Transcarpathia was sentenced to 5 years in prison: the final sentence
Transcarpathian judge Anton Haydur told how he got a bribe of UAH 15,000 (VIDEO)