Position: owner of the Altis group of companies.
Sphere of corruption: money laundering.
Region of corruption activity : Kyiv.
Qualification: Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 368, Part 3 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - acquisition, possession, use, disposal of property, in respect of which the factual circumstances indicate that it was obtained by criminal means, including the performance of a financial transaction, the performance of a transaction with such property, or the movement, change of form (transformation) of such property, or the performance of actions aimed at concealing, masking the origin of such property or possession thereof, the right to such property, the sources of its origin, location, if these actions are committed by a person who knew or should have known that such property was directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, obtained by criminal means, committed by an organized group or on a particularly large scale, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years and with confiscation of property.
Status: August 28, 2024 The Appeal Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court left in custody the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, the owner of the Altis group of companies, Oleksandr Hlymbovsky, but reduced his alternative bail from UAH 200 to UAH 120 million.
On June 24, 2024, the High Anti-Corruption Court refused to take into custody and released on bail of UAH 200 million the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, the owner of the Altis group of companies, Oleksandr Hlymbovsky.
Case plot: NABU and SAPO reported suspicions to developer Oleksandr Hlimbovsky and former advisor to the former head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov. According to the investigation, Nasirov's father-in-law Hlimbovsky helped legalize 13 million euros of illegal profit, which, according to the prosecution, the former head of the State Fiscal Service received from oligarch Oleh Bakhmatyuk for extraordinary VAT reimbursement to his companies. Hlimbovsky allegedly legalized the entire amount of the bribe received and spent it on the purchase of an unfinished residential and office complex with parking in the center of Kyiv "Metropol". The complex continued to be built and received additional income, in particular in 2022-2023.
NABU believes that during December 2015 - February 2016, Nasirov received 21.02 million euros from Bakhmatyuk. The money was transferred to the accounts of Lamagan Ventures Limited (controlled by Oleksandr Hlymbovsky) and Newline Leader (controlled by Nasirov's advisor Oleksandr Kostenko), and in May 2017 - April 2018, Hlymbovsky spent more than 13 million euros on the purchase of real estate.
The NABU and SAPO suggest that these funds could have been legalized by purchasing property rights to apartments in Kyiv. In particular, as the investigation established, Skyproject LLC acquired real estate in Kyiv at 91-93 Velyka Vasylkivska Street, where the multifunctional complex Metropol was later built. Detectives believe that Skyproject LLC became the owner of the object through transactions with funds allegedly obtained by criminal means as illegitimate gain from Bakhmatyuk Nasirov. The owners of Skyproject LLC are Nasirov's father-in-law Oleksandr Hlimbovsky and his son Stanislav. Later, the owner of the real estate became the closed, non-diversified venture corporate investment fund AMTEL, the beneficiary of which until recently was the father-in-law of the ex-head of the State Fiscal Service, and later Hlimbovsky Jr.
As part of this case, NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors secured the seizure of 76 apartments in the Terracotta residential complex and other buildings owned by the AMTEL Foundation. The housing was seized to secure the alleged special confiscation of property.
In October 2024, it became known that the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court released from custody the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, the owner of the Altis group of companies, Oleksandr Glimbovsky. He was sent under 24-hour house arrest.
This decision was made by the investigating judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Igor Strohy, reports Slovo i Dilo.
Previously, the anti-corruption court extended Hlymbovsky's arrest until November 11. His defense attorney filed a motion to change the preventive measure, which the judge partially granted.
Change the preventive measure of detention applied by the decision of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court of September 12, 2024 in the case against (Glimbovsky - ed.) to 24-hour house arrest. Apply to the suspect a preventive measure of 24-hour house arrest at his place of residence for a period of two months. Release the suspect from custody immediately
The court also imposed the following obligations on Hlymbovsky: not to leave the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region without permission; to report a change in his place of residence; to refrain from communicating with a number of people; to hand over his foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet.
The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office filed an appeal against this decision.

In January 2025, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court removed the electronic bracelet, but extended until March 16 the remaining duties assigned to the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, the owner of the Altis group of companies, Oleksandr Hlymbovsky.
As is known, the Appeal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Ukraine imposed a preventive measure in the form of a 45 million UAH bail on Hlymbovsky. He was also given the following obligations: not to leave the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region without permission; to report a change of residence; to refrain from communicating with a number of people; to hand over his foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet.
The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office requested that all duties be continued. However, Judge Strohy removed the electronic bracelet from Hlimbovsky.
The request of the SAPO prosecutor to extend the term of his duties in criminal proceedings is partially granted. The suspect (Hlimbovsky – ed.) is to be extended for two months, i.e. until March 16, 2025, the term of his duties.
At the end of January 2025, it became known that the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office will send an indictment to the court after May 1 against the father-in-law of the former head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, the owner of the Altis group of companies, Oleksandr Hlymbovsky.
To establish a deadline for familiarization with the materials of the criminal proceedings for the defense party in criminal proceedings: the suspect (Glimbovsky - ed.) and his defense attorneys; the suspect (former advisor to Nasirov - ed.) and his defense attorney, as well as the involved defense attorneys, in the event that they provide the prosecution with documents stipulated in Part 1 of Article 50 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, until May 1, 2025, after which the defense party will be considered to have exercised its right to access the materials of this criminal proceeding
Individuals potentially involved in Oleksandr Glymbovsky's schemes :
NABU and SAPO reported suspicions to former head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov of receiving over UAH 722 million in illegal benefits. They also reported suspicions to oligarch Oleg Bakhmatyuk of providing this benefit, but in absentia.
The investigation has now established that the head of the State Fiscal Service (2015-2016) received an illegal benefit of $5.5 million for ensuring the reimbursement of over UAH 540 million to the companies of the agricultural holding in August 2015 and over EUR 21 million for the reimbursement of almost 2.7 billion in VAT during February 2015 - August 2016. Nasirov received the “service fee”, which, on average, amounted to about 20% of the amount of the refunded VAT, to the account of a foreign company controlled by him, as well as a company controlled by his father-in-law and advisor, through another foreign “slot” company involved by the advisor of the former owner. The sender of the funds, as established by NABU and SAP, was a non-resident company controlled by the owner of the agricultural holding, Bakhmatyuk.
At the same time, part of the illegal profit was formed directly from the funds of the budget VAT refund and converted into foreign currency. NABU and SAPO have evidence that the head of the State Fiscal Service prioritized payments of VAT refunds to the companies of the agricultural holding, while not including information on the amounts declared for budget refunds by other business entities (including municipal enterprises) that were entitled to it. This, in turn, led to lawsuits by such companies and their recovery from the state budget, in addition to the declared amounts of budget refunds, at least UAH 2 million in penalties.
Scandals : Former head of the Odessa Regional State Administration, Mikhail Saakashvili, who is currently in opposition to the government, accused the head of the State Fiscal Service, Roman Nasirov, of helping the business of his father-in-law, Oleksandr Glimbovsky.
The scheme by which he helps his father-in-law, the owner of one of the largest construction corporations in Ukraine, Oleksandr Glimbovsky, is striking both in its simplicity and insolence. A shell company, all of whose accounts are blocked due to non-payment of debts, opens a bank account and simply does not register it with the State Tax Service. This is possible only when the State Tax Service is headed by your relative Nasirov, and this allows you to win new tenders even through the ProZorro system
Persons who were supposed to react to the corruption schemes of Oleksandr Glymbovsky:
In the case of Oleksandr Hlymbovsky, law enforcement agencies, the prosecutor's office, and the court worked well.
Wealth: In 2011, Oleksandr Glymbovsky was included in the list of the 200 richest Ukrainian entrepreneurs in 196th place with assets of $26 million.
At the end of 2023, NABU and SAPO secured the seizure of 81 real estate properties and over UAH 30 million, which Oleksandr Glymbovsky acquired precisely thanks to legalized funds.