Position: prosecutor of the General Prosecutor's Office.
Sphere of corruption activity: law enforcement.
Region of corruption activity: the city of Kyiv.
Qualification: Gunko's actions were qualified under Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: is at liberty.
The plot of the case: on July 15, 2024, the SAP and NABU exposed the prosecutors of the Department of the General Prosecutor's Office for receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of $170 thousand.
One of the prosecutors, Oleg Gunko, was detained and informed of the suspicion. The issue of notification of suspicion to all exposed persons and their selection of precautionary measures is also being resolved.
Subsequently, the Higher Anti-Corruption Court sent Oleg Gunko to arrest with alternative bail.
On July 18, the Investigative Judge of the National Security Agency considered the request of NABU detectives, approved by the prosecutor, to apply a preventive measure to the prosecutor of the OGP, who was exposed on July 15 for receiving $170,000 in illegal benefits for making a decision to close the criminal proceedings and lift the arrest from the property seized within the framework of these proceedings.
Thus, the court partially supported the position of the prosecutor of the SAPS and imposed a preventive measure on the prosecutor in the form of detention for a period of 60 days with the alternative of paying UAH 4 million in bail.
In the event of bail, the suspect will be subject to the relevant procedural obligations, in particular to appear at every request to the detective, the prosecutor and the court; not to leave the city of Kyiv without the permission of the investigator, the prosecutor and the court; notify the investigator, prosecutor or court about a change of residence; refrain from communicating with witnesses in this criminal proceeding; hand over your passport for traveling abroad to the relevant state authorities; wear an electronic means of control.
In November, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court extended until December 13 the period of detention of the prosecutor of the procedural management department of the pre-trial investigation of the department for combating human rights violations in the law enforcement and penitentiary spheres of the Office of the Prosecutor General Oleg Hunka. However, he has already been released from custody, as bail was posted for him.
On September 9, the anti-corruption court extended Hunka's arrest for another two months, but reduced the bail to UAH 3 million. The NABU detective asked the court to extend the arrest of the suspect for another two months
The request of the NABU detective is to be partially granted. Extend the preventive measure in the form of detention in relation to the suspect (Hunka - ed.) until December 13, 2024, within the period of the pre-trial investigation, with the possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 908,400
According to the mass media, on November 7, bail was posted for Hunek and he was released from custody. The following duties were assigned to him: to arrive at every request; not to leave Kyiv without permission; to report a change of residence; refrain from communicating with four people; deposit foreign passports and wear an electronic bracelet. Duties are valid until December 13.
In December 2024, it also became known that the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court saw no for increasing the amount of bail set for Oleg Hunko, the prosecutor of the procedural management department of the pre-trial investigation of the department for combating human rights violations in the law enforcement and penitentiary spheres of the Prosecutor General's Office.
The appeal shall be dismissed, and the ruling of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court dated 01.11.2024 shall be left unchanged. The ruling shall enter into force from the moment of its promulgation, shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal in cassation.
On April 13, 2024, it became known that the High Anti-Corruption Court, having not sent the procedure for the investigation before the trial, would investigate the suspicion of the prosecutor in the department of procedural care of pre-trial investigations to the Department for the Prevention of Violations of Human Rights in the law enforcement and penitentiary spheres, the Office of the Prosecutor General Oleg Gunka received illegal benefits.
The satisfied NABU detective is fussing about the established line of knowledge of the materials of the pre-trial investigation of the criminal investigator - vidmoviti
In January 2025, it became known that the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office after January 20 will send to the court an indictment against the prosecutor of the procedural management department of the pre-trial investigation department of the Department for Combating Human Rights Violations in the Law Enforcement and Penitentiary Spheres of the Office of the Prosecutor General Oleh Hunko in the case of receiving unlawful benefit.
It was until this date that the decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court of January 15 limited the time for the defense to review the investigation materials.
The NABU detective's motion to establish a deadline for familiarization with the materials of the pre-trial investigation shall be partially granted. To establish a deadline for the defense to familiarize itself with the materials of the criminal proceedings until January 20, 2025, after which the defense will be considered to have exercised its right to access the materials of this criminal proceedings
At the end of January 2025, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended the term of office of the prosecutor of the department of the Prosecutor General's Office, Oleg Hunko, until March 30.
The motion of the SAPO prosecutor to extend the term of the duties assigned to the accused (Hunka - ed.) within the framework of the criminal proceedings is granted. To extend the term of the duties assigned to the accused by the decision of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court dated 01.11.2024 for two months. To establish the term of the duties assigned to the accused until March 30, 2025 inclusive
Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: in addition to Gunko, other prosecutors of the General Prosecutor's Office are also involved in the scheme, but their names have not been disclosed at the moment.
Assets: in the declaration for 2022, Gunko indicated that he owns a plot of land in the Khmelnytskyi region, rents an apartment in Kyiv, and also has a registered place of residence in an apartment in Kharkiv. In addition, the prosecutor's daughter lives in her grandfather's house in Khmelnytskyi region and has a registered place of residence in a dormitory in Khmelnytskyi.

Oleg Gunko also declared a Toyota Camry car (worth UAH 300,000) purchased in 2020.

The prosecutor's income for the first year of the full-scale war was UAH 1,134,460.

Gunko kept his biggest savings in cash, he declared $40,000.

In the declaration for 2023, Gunko's income increased slightly and amounted to UAH 1,819,628. The prosecutor declared $60,000 in cash.

Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: law enforcement agencies responded in time to the criminal activities of Gunko and his accomplices. In particular, NABU and SAP are dealing with the case.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, he was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.