Position: Prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor General's Office for Supervision of Law Enforcement in the Execution of Criminal Punishments and Probation.
Sphere of corruption activity: law enforcement sphere.
Region of corruption activity: the city of Kyiv.
Qualification: the actions of the prosecutor were qualified according to Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: on July 15, 2024, the SAP and NABU exposed the prosecutors of the Department of the General Prosecutor's Office for receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of $170,000. Prosecutors received the specified funds for the decision to close criminal proceedings
One of the prosecutors, Oleg Gunko, was detained and informed of the suspicion. In addition, another prosecutor, Viktor Khomych, is involved in the corruption scheme.
Subsequently, the Higher Anti-Corruption Court sent Oleg Gunko to arrest with alternative bail. On July 18, the Investigative Judge of the National Security Agency considered the request of NABU detectives, agreed by the prosecutor, to apply a preventive measure to the prosecutor of the OGP, who was exposed on July 15 for receiving $170,000 in illegal benefits for making a decision to close the criminal proceedings and remove the arrest from the property seized as part of these proceedings .
Thus, the court partially supported the position of the prosecutor of the SAPs and imposed a preventive measure on the prosecutor in the form of detention for a period of 60 days with the alternative of paying UAH 4 million in bail. On September 9, the court extended the arrest for another two months, but reduced the bail to UAH 3 million.
Subsequently, the High Anti-Corruption Court scheduled a hearing for November 20 in the case of the prosecution of the prosecutor of the department of supervision of compliance with laws in the execution of criminal punishments and probation of the Office of the Prosecutor General Viktor Khomych of obtaining an illegal benefit.
To appoint a preliminary court hearing in the criminal proceedings on the charge (of Viktor Khomych - ed.) of committing a criminal offense provided for in part 5 of article 27, part 4 of article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, at 12:30 on November 20, 2024, in the premises of the State Criminal Court
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: in addition to Khomych, prosecutor Oleg Gunko is also directly involved in the case.
Assets: in the declaration for 2023, Viktor Khomych indicated only the right to use the car space and the actual place of residence - an apartment in Kyiv that belongs to his wife's relative.

Khomych also uses a Volvo XC90 car (worth UAH 1,039,025), which, according to the declaration, belongs to his wife.

The official's income for 2023 was UAH 1,208,902, and his wife's - UAH 450,215.

In addition, Khomych declared 700,000 UAH and 12,000 dollars in cash, and his wife - 595,000 UAH.

Persons who should have responded: law enforcement agencies responded in time to the criminal activity of Khomych and his accomplice. In particular, NABU and SAP are dealing with the case.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, he was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.