Position: former head of Gatna village council, Kyiv region.
The sphere of corrupt activity: construction.
Region of corruption activity: Kyiv region.
Qualification: Korytskyi's actions were qualified under Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191, Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: on November 7, 2022, NABU and SAP exposed five people in the embezzlement of over UAH 27.3 million during the construction of a preschool educational institution in the suburbs of Kyiv. It was about:
- the head of the village council in the Kyiv region (the organizer of the corruption scheme) - Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191, Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;
- chief accountant (member of the tender committee of the village council) — Part 5 of Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;
- two directors of LLC 1 — Part 5 of Art. 191, Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;
- director of LLC 2 (the organizer of the corruption scheme) — Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191, Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
According to journalists, the organizer of the corruption scheme was Bronislav Korytskyi, the village head of Gatna.
The investigation established that at the end of 2017, Oleksandr Protas, the director of "Alliance DS" LLC, and the head of the village council, Korytskyi, decided to seize the funds of the local community's budget. The corruption scheme was implemented under the pretext of building a kindergarten, which the community needed.
In February 2018, the village council announced open tenders for the construction of a preschool for 280 places, which was won by the predetermined LLC "Project-Building Alliance". According to the terms of the tender, "Project-Building Alliance" LLC was supposed to build the facility and put it into operation by the end of 2018. Instead, the winner of the bid and the officials of the village council seized more than UAH 27.3 million during the construction of the kindergarten, which is still unfinished.
During the investigation, the investigation established forged acts of completed works, in particular regarding the overestimation of the cost of construction works and used materials, as well as the payment to LLC "Alliance DS" of services for the development of project documentation, which were not actually provided.
At the end of November 2022, the High Anti-Corruption Court set a bail of UAH 6.2 million for Bronislav Korytskyi, the former Gatna village head of the Kyiv region. However, no one contributed these funds, and therefore the NABU detective asked to change the preventive measure from bail to detention.
In January 2023, the High Anti-Corruption Court took Korytskyi into custody. He was also set to bail in the amount of 4 million hryvnias.
In May of the same year, VAKS extended the detention period of Bronislav Korytsky until June 11, but reduced his bail to UAH 2.68 million.
Later, in July 2023, Bronislav Korytskyi was released from custody, as a bail of UAH 2.68 million was paid for him. The court extended the duties assigned to it: to arrive at every demand; not to travel outside Kyiv region (except travel to the city of Kyiv) without permission; to report a change of residence and work; refrain from communicating with a number of people and hand over foreign passports.
Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: In addition to Korytskyi, the investigation also considers Oleksandr Protas, the head of Alliance DS LLC, to be the organizer of the scheme. Ex-directors of LLC "Project and Construction Alliance" Serhiy Myrny and Vyacheslav Panko are also suspected in the case.
Assets: in the declaration for 2019, Bronislav Korytskyi listed several real estate objects at once. He owns four objects, namely a residential building and three plots of land. A residential building and five plots of land are declared for Nataliya Korytskyi's wife.
During the same year, Bronislav Korytsky declared several vehicles: two excavators, two tractors, two trailers, a truck and two cars (one of them, a BMW worth UAH 300,000, was declared for Korytsky's wife).

In addition, for 2019, Korytskyi received a salary of UAH 570,160, and his wife received a pension of UAH 39,000.
In cash, Bronislav Korytsky declared 17,000 dollars and 100,000 UAH, his wife - 4,000 dollars. Borytskyi kept UAH 326,000 in his bank accounts.

On the other hand, in 2018, Korytskyi earned somewhat less, namely 486,778 UAH, while his wife Natalia, in addition to a pension, also received 112,760 UAH in income from her entrepreneurial activities.

Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: in the case of Korytskyi, law enforcement agencies responded in time. In particular, the SAP and NABU dealt with the case.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, Korytskyi was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.
NABU and SAP exposed five people in embezzlement of funds during the construction of a kindergarten
The case of a kindergarten near Kyiv: the ex-head of Gatny determined the bail
The kindergarten case: the ex-head of Gatny was arrested
VAKS extended the duties of the suspected ex-head of Gatny
The anti-corruption court continued the arrest of the ex-head of the Gatna Village Council
The ex-head of Gatny was released from custody, his duties were extended