Position: village head of the Volodymyretsk settlement council.
Sphere of corrupt activity: agrarian.
Region of corruption activity: Rivne region.
Qualification: the suspicion of a completed attempt to obtain an illegal benefit by an official in a responsible position and incitement to provide an illegal benefit for influencing decision-making by a person authorized to perform the functions of local self-government (Part 2 of Article 15, Part 3 Art. 368, Part 4 Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Status: released on bail in the amount of 205,904 hryvnias.
The plot of the case: according to the pre-trial investigation, the head of the community expressed a request to the director of the agricultural enterprise to give him a bribe of 5,000 US dollars. For this, the official promised not to initiate at the session of the local council the issue of terminating the concluded lease agreements of land plots for commercial agricultural production, which were used by the company.
In addition, the director gave another 10,000 US dollars to Serhiy Avramyshin, a member of the Sarnen City Council, so that he would "solve" the same issue with the elected representatives of the community.
According to the prosecutor's office, as of October 16, precautionary measures were taken against the men. Deputy Avramyshin is under 24-hour house arrest, and the head of the community is under detention with the right to pay a bail of 205,904 hryvnias, which he has already paid.
For committed crimes, the deputy faces a maximum of 5 years in prison, and the chairman - up to 10 years with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 3 years.
Persons potentially involved in corruption:
A co-participant of the "scheme", according to the media, is Serhiy Avramyshyn, a member of the Sarna City Council.
He was informed of the suspicion of obtaining an illegal benefit for himself for exerting influence on persons authorized to perform the functions of local self-government (Part 2 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). He is under 24-hour house arrest.
For the committed crimes, the deputy faces a maximum of 5 years in prison
Wealth: the chairman of the Volodymyretsk settlement council stated in the declaration for 2023 that he received 514,858 hryvnias for his main place of work. He owns a residential building with an area of 92.7 square meters. since 2009, a plot of land with an area of 1,500 square meters. since 2008.
The official is using a Lifan 2023 motorcycle worth 16,000 hryvnias.

We get more interesting information about his wife's fortune, however, not in full. Yes, Tetyana Serhiivna owns two plots of land - an area of 42,500 square meters. (purchased in 2013) and with an area of 5015 square meters. m, (2018). The cost of the plots is not specified.
She uses a 2010 Toyota passenger car. But the declarant did not specify its price, noting: "The family member did not provide information." Another car in the family, OPEL VIVARO, 2003, is owned by Vasyl's son. There is no declarant of the car.
Tetyana Kovenko uses a commercial building with an area of 184 square meters. m. The price of this building is also not available. It is indicated only in the declaration for ... 2018: 229,000 hryvnias. Also, in this declaration, that this building is jointly owned by Tetyana Serhiyivna and 75% of the building is owned, the other 25% is owned by a citizen of Ukraine. It is not known who it is, because it is stated that "the family member did not provide information."

Scandals: in open sources there is no information about other scandals in which Kovenko would still appear.
Persons who should have reacted to corruption schemes: in the case of Kovenko, law enforcement officers reacted in time.