Lukyanchuk Viktor photo

Lukyanchuk Viktor

"6,000 Dollars for Land" by Viktor Lukyanchuk

Position: former chairman of the Perespiv village council.

Sphere of corruption: land issues.

Region of corruption: Volyn.

Qualification: actions are qualified under Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an unlawful benefit by a civil servant, committed by prior conspiracy and for selfish motives).

Status: at large.

Case story: In February 2025, it became known that the Kivertsivskyi District Court sentenced the head of the Perespiv Village Council, Viktor Lukyanchuk, for bribery. The official demanded $6,000 in compensation from the entrepreneur for allocating 2 hectares of land for a transport and logistics center. For this, the accused was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison with confiscation of all property.

According to the verdict, in November 2019, the head of the Perespi village council, Viktor Lukyanchuk, and the director of a local design and expert company were approached by an entrepreneur who wanted to acquire 2 hectares of land in the community for private ownership. The man explained that the plot was needed for the construction of a transport and logistics center, which would include a parking lot for trucks, a service for their technical maintenance, as well as a cafe and a hotel.

According to the investigation, the head of the village council, together with the land surveyor, agreed to provide the entrepreneur with a land plot, but he had to pay a bribe of $6,000, of which $4,000 was intended for Viktor Lukyanchuk, and the rest for his accomplice. The official was detained while receiving part of the amount - $1,500.

In court, the accused denied his guilt and claimed that he was provoked to receive the money, although he said he did not need it. However, the collected evidence and eyewitness testimony refuted the official's words.

Judge Oleksandr Kostyukevich found Viktor Lukyanchuk guilty of Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an unlawful benefit by a civil servant, committed by prior conspiracy and for selfish motives) and sentenced him to 5.5 years in prison, ordered the confiscation of all property belonging to the accused and the deprivation of his right to hold positions in local government bodies for a period of 2 years. Until the verdict enters into legal force, the former head will be under house arrest.

The sentence handed down to Viktor Lukyanchuk has not yet entered into legal force; the official can still appeal it.

Viktor Lukyanchuk served as the village head of Perespa from 2015 until he became involved in a corruption scandal in early 2020. At the end of 2020, as a result of administrative reform, the village became part of the Rozhyshchensk urban territorial community, and Viktor Lukyanchuk resigned as the village head. At the same time, he was appointed as the headman in the Perespa starostyn district. He is the current headman and a member of the executive committee of the Rozhyshchensk community.

Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: in addition to Lukyanchuk, the director of a local design and expert company, Oleksandr Denysiuk, is also involved in the scheme.

Assets: In his 2023 declaration, while serving as village head, Lukyanchuk indicated that he owned a residential building and two land plots. In turn, his wife Halyna owns two residential buildings and three land plots.

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In addition, Lukyanchuk indicated that he uses a Fiat Doblo car. However, the official's wife owns a Smart Micro car.

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Lukyanchuk's income for 2023 was UAH 334,729, and his wife Halyna's was UAH 203,767.

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Persons who should have reacted: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of the official.

Scandals: Before the corruption scheme, he was not seen as a figure in other scandals.


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