Maksimenko Natalya photo

Maksimenko Natalya

"$40 thousand for a change of jurisdiction" by Natalya Maksimenko

Position: deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhzhia region.

Sphere of corruption activity: law enforcement.

Region of corruption activity: Zaporizhzhia region.

Qualification: Maksymenko's actions were qualified under Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Status: at large.

The plot of the case: SAP prosecutors and NABU detectives on September 23 exposed the deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhzhia region for receiving a $40,000 bribe.

According to law enforcement officials, the official demanded money for a change of jurisdiction in the criminal proceedings, cancellation of the seizure of property and non-prosecution of the person.

She was exposed "in the heat of the moment" while receiving the entire amount of the bribe.

According to the website of the prosecutor's office of the Zaporizhia region, its head, Serhiy Spilnyk, has only one female deputy. This is Natalya Maksimenko.

Simultaneously with this notification, the Prosecutor General's Office published a post on social networks, in which it assures that it "ensures the full assistance of NABU and SAP in the detection of corruption offenses in the prosecutor's office."

We are persistently implementing a course to cleanse the system of corruption and prevent such cases... This work is a constant priority of our activities, including changes to internal processes in the prosecutor's office, including strengthening internal control

- the message quotes Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

The law enforcement officers declared Maksymenko a suspect under Part 4 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of selecting a preventive measure for the suspect is being resolved.

On October 1, 2024, it became known that Natalya Maksymenko was released from the pretrial detention center after a bail of UAH 8 million was made for her.

According to journalists, bail was posted for Maksymenko as early as Monday, September 30. She was released from custody the same day.

According to the court order on the preventive measure, Maksymenko is obliged to: arrive at the first request; not to leave Zaporizhzhia region without permission; to report a change of residence and/or place of work; refrain from communication with a number of persons; deposit foreign passports and wear an electronic bracelet.

On October 8, it became known that the Higher Anti-Corruption Court decided to remove Maksymenko from the position of deputy prosecutor of the Zaporizhia region until December 4, 2024.

The petition is granted. The suspect is to be removed from the post of deputy head of the Zaporizhia Regional Prosecutor's Office for two months, that is, until December 4, 2024, inclusive, but within the limits of the pre-trial investigation

- the court's decision reads.

On November 28, 2024, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended until January 28 the term of office of the Deputy Head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Prosecutor's Office Natalia Maksimenko. NABU and SAP suspect her of extorting and receiving $40,000 in illegal benefits.

The request of the prosecutor to extend the period of validity of the duties assigned to the suspect (Maksimenko - ed.) should be granted. Extend the suspect's term of office for two months - until January 28, 2025

- is being decided.

In December 2024, the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court suspended Natalia Maksymenko from the position of deputy prosecutor of Zaporizhzhia region. The suspension period is until February 2, 2025. NABU and SAPO suspect her of extortion and receiving illegal benefits.

As is known, the anti-corruption court extended Maksymenko's suspension from office. Her defenders have filed appeals against this decision.

The decision of the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court dated December 2, 2024, which extended the term of suspension of the suspect (Maksimenko - ed.) from the position of deputy head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Prosecutor's Office within the framework of criminal proceedings, shall be left unchanged, and the appeals of the defense lawyers shall be dismissed.

– the decision states.

On January 24, 2025, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended the suspension of Natalia Maksymenko from the position of Deputy Prosecutor of Zaporizhia Region until March 24, 2025.

As is known, the anti-corruption court suspended Maksymenko from his position. The SAPO prosecutor requested to extend the suspension for another two months.

The petition is granted. To extend the term of suspension of the suspect (Maksimenko – ed.) from the position of Deputy Head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Prosecutor's Office for two months, i.e. until March 24, 2025 inclusive.

– the decision states.

Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: from open sources it is not known about possible accomplices of Maksimenko.

Assets: in the declaration for 2022, Natalya Maksimenko indicated that she rents an apartment in Zaporizhzhia, another apartment is rented, probably by the official's husband. In addition, Maksymenko indicated another apartment in Zaporizhzhia as the place of registration.

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Natalya Maksimenko also owns an AUDI Q3 (worth UAH 800,640), and her husband has the right to drive a Toyota Rav4 owned by his father.

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During the first year of the full-scale war, Maskymenko's income was UAH 1,346,959, and her husband's - UAH 848,092.

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In cash, Maksimenko paid 12,000 dollars and 500 euros, instead, 181,948 UAH and 14,376 dollars were deposited in her bank accounts.

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In 2023, Maksymenko and her husband indicated that they were renting another apartment in Zaporizhzhia.

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Maksimenko's income for the same year amounted to UAH 1,441,551. Instead, her husband's income amounted to UAH 858,199.

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Also, Maksimenko declared UAH 88,198, USD 15,465, and EUR 11,230 in the deposit account. Maksymenko owns $33,000 in cash in joint ownership with her husband.

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Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: law enforcement agencies responded in time to the criminal activity of Natalia Maksimenko. In particular, NABU and SAP are dealing with the case.

Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, Natalya Maksimenko was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.


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