Position: ex-general director of the Chernivtsi regional perinatal center.
The sphere of corrupt activity: medical.
Region of corruption activity: Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi region.
Qualification: Part 4 Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (offer, promise or giving an illegal benefit to an official).
Status: the court sentenced him to 6 years of imprisonment.
The plot of the case: on April 6, 2021, Dmytro Manchulenka was detained while handing over $12,000. He probably gave this money to an official of the regional council in order to extend the employment contract with him.
In 2017, Mayor Oleksiy Kaspruk dismissed Dmytro Manchulenka from the post of chief physician of maternity hospital No. 1. He justified his dismissal by improper performance of duties. Then Manchulenko renewed through the court.
In 2018, residents of Chernivtsi wrote a petition asking for Manchulenka's release. At the same time, maternity workers came to the session of the city council. They stated about the pressure on them from the head doctor. Manchulenko denied this.
In 2018, Vasyl Prodan, secretary of the city council, initiated an official investigation against Manchulenka.
In July 2019, Oleksiy Kaspruk dismissed Manchulenka from his post for the second time. He argued the decision by the fact that the institution changed its status to a non-commercial utility enterprise, and therefore the manager should be appointed by competition.
In February 2020, the court satisfied Manchulenka's claim for reinstatement. The city council was obliged to pay him compensation for forced absenteeism. The city council implemented the decision, but filed an appeal.
In February 2022, Manchulenka was fined due to a conflict of interest — he signed documents on a salary increase for his son, who had been the head of the maternity ward since December 2020.
In August 2022, Manchulenka was dismissed from his post — his contract expired on July 30. Prior to that, he was removed from his post during an official inspection. On July 29, the court canceled the order of the head of the regional council to conduct an inspection and allowed Manchulenka to perform his duties. The next day, they decided not to renew the contract with him.
In November 2022, the head of the regional council, Oleksiy Boyko, published documents that Manchulenko issues orders in the perinatal department as the general director. On November 30, Manchulenko issued two orders: to raise his son's salary by 40% and to settle a potential conflict of interest.
The Chernivtsi regional perinatal center previously paid Manchuelnka more than one and a half million hryvnias for forced absenteeism according to court decisions. According to the last decision of the court on November 3, Manchulenka should be paid more than 200 thousand hryvnias. Later, he was removed from duty again.
The court found Manchulenka guilty of offering an illegal benefit to an official and sentenced him to 6 years in prison, the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office reported. The court also confiscated 12 thousand dollars in state income.
On May 14, 2024, it became known that the case was sent to the Court of Appeal.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: other participants in the corruption scheme are identified.
Assets: in the declaration for 2023, Manchulenko indicated land plots, an apartment, residential buildings, a 2005 Lexus GS300 car, the value of which is UAH 150,000.
He also noted 131,438 wages, as well as 1,218,500 UAH in cash.

Scandals: in February 2022, Manchulenka was scandalized by the fact that he was fined due to a conflict of interest - he signed documents on a salary increase for his son, who was the head of the maternity ward from December 2020.
Persons who should have reacted: in the case of Manchulenko, the law enforcement officers reacted in time.