Position: director of Kyiv KP "Misky Magazin".
The sphere of corrupt activity: retail trade, household services of the population.
Region of corruption activity: the city of Kyiv.
Qualification: Martynchuk's actions were qualified under Part 3 of Article 368, Part 2 of Art. 364, Part 2 of Art. 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: in August 2024, it became known that in Kyiv, the head of the "Misky Magazin" enterprise, which must conclude contracts with entrepreneurs for trade in places designated by the city government, was suspected of bribery. According to the information of the law enforcement officers, the man took money from people for better shopping places, which brought losses to Ukraine of almost UAH 600,000.

The Kyiv city authorities are actively fighting spontaneous trade on the streets, in particular the sale of products in crossings or illegal stalls near the subway. In order to control illegal trade, special bodies were created, including the municipal enterprise "Misky Magazin".
"We have a list of addresses at which the city council has allowed trading. If there are any available among these addresses, then the "City Store" organizes bidding in the Prozorro system for entrepreneurs for the right to trade. It then concludes a contract with the winner and monitors compliance with this contract." said Artem Dmytrenko, the first deputy director of KP "Misky Magazin".
However, at the end of July 2023, Ukrainian law enforcement officers informed the acting director of "City Store" Serhiy Martynchuk of the suspicion of extorting bribes for the opportunity for entrepreneurs to trade on the streets of Kyiv, which caused losses to Ukraine of 572 thousand hryvnias.
The official was given a preventive measure in the form of a personal bond, he is prohibited from leaving the Kyiv region without the permission of the court, he must notify the court about his change of residence and hand in his passports.
Martynchuk is suspected of bribery, abuse of power and forged official documents. If found guilty, the man faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.
Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: it is not known from open sources about possible accomplices of Serhiy Martynchuk.
Assets: in the declaration for 2022, Martynchuk indicated the place of registration as an apartment in Kyiv, and the place of residence as a residential building in the Kyiv region. The official also indicated another apartment in Kyiv as the place of residence of his two children. In addition, Martynchuk's wife, Inna, jointly owns an apartment in the capital.

Serhiy Martynchuk also declared that he owns a BMW 730 car (valued at UAH 1,220,000) and a DUCATI motorcycle. Instead, his wife indicated NISSAN GT-R and VOLKSWAGEN EOS.

At the same time, Martyniuk's income for the first year of the full-scale war amounted to only UAH 112,112. However, in cash he declared his own $63,000 and $40,000 in his possession without right of use.

In 2023, the couple decided to sell their cars and instead Serhiy Martynchuk bought a MERCEDES-BENZ SPRINTER 313 CDI cargo van (worth UAH 260,000).

The official's income in the same year was UAH 418,876, while his wife Inna's income was UAH 2,914,620.

In cash, Serhiy Martynchuk declared a good 70,000 dollars, his wife - 68,000 dollars.

Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of Serhii Martynchuk. In particular, the case was handled by the National Police. However, he is still in office.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, he was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.
The single state register of court decisions is the Resolution
Losses in street trade: for which the head of the capital's "City Store" faces 6 years in prison