Position: Chief Operations Officer of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine.
Sphere of corrupt activity: law enforcement.
Region of corruption activity: Kyiv and Kyiv region.
Qualification: the official's actions were qualified under Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: according to the investigation, the operative of the National Police's Special Operations Division, Oleksandr Maslov, informed the owner of three private companies about the possibility of resolving the issue of terminating criminal prosecution on condition that he received an unlawful benefit in the amount of 150-180 thousand dollars.
In July 2023, Maslov met with the businessman's brother and requested that he provide himself, the officials of the State Security Service, the Main Investigation Department of the National Police, and the Prosecutor General's Office with an illegal benefit in the amount of $150,000 for closing the case and returning the property. At the end of July, the businessman was informed of the suspicion.
In March 2024, the police met three times with the brother of the suspected businessman and repeatedly requested to provide an illegal benefit in the amount of $ 150 thousand. In April, Maslov reported that he would receive the illegal benefit through the mediation of a lawyer, whose details he would provide later. On April 11, the businessman transferred $ 150 thousand. of illegal benefit to the indicated lawyer, and the police detained Maslov.
On April 12, the anti-corruption court arrested Maslov with the alternative of 3 million UAH bail. These funds were deposited and he was released from custody. The police officer was assigned the following duties: to appear upon first demand; not to leave the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region without permission; to report any change in his place of residence and/or place of work, and to refrain from communicating with a certain group of persons. The SAPO prosecutor requested that the duties be extended for another two months.
Subsequently, NABU and SAPO conducted searches at the residence of Vyacheslav Potalap, a senior investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police, and Andriy Hrytsan, a prosecutor of the Specialized Environmental Prosecutor's Office, in the case of requesting and receiving illegal benefits.
In this case, the suspicion was initially reported to the chief operational officer of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police, Oleksandr Maslov. Later, Potalap was also notified of the suspicion.
The High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) chose a preventive measure for Potalap in the form of bail in the amount of UAH 605.6 thousand.
Potalap was also given a number of procedural obligations, including that he must refrain from communicating about the circumstances of the three criminal proceedings and hand over his foreign passports.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: in addition to Maslov, the scheme also involves senior investigator of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police, Vyacheslav Potalap.
Assets: in the declaration for 2023, Maslov indicated that he owns an apartment in the city of Mariupol.

His wife Lyudmila owns a Nissan Rogue worth UAH 220,852.

Maslov's income for 2023 totaled UAH 820,728.

Maslova declared 40,000 UAH and 4,000 USD in cash, and his wife declared 240,000 UAH and 40,000 USD.

Persons who should have reacted: law enforcement agencies responded to Maslov's criminal activities in a timely manner, presenting him with a suspicion.
Scandals: Before the corruption scheme, he was not seen as a figure in other scandals.