Position: former deputy director of the department of housing and communal services and the fuel and energy complex of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, former director of general issues at JSC "Kharkivoblenergo".
Sphere of corrupt activity: energy.
Region of corruption activity: Kharkiv city, Kharkiv region.
Qualification: h . 3 Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191 and Part 3 of Art. 15, Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: The higher anti-corruption court took Dmytro Mirniy into custody in absentia.
The plot of the case: in August 2024, NABU and SAP reported suspicion to Kharkiv Oblenergo ex-expert Kostyantyn Logvynenko and four other persons, including Mirniy. According to the investigation, in 2021 acting general director of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" in collusion with the controller of a number of commercial enterprises-suppliers of energy equipment created an organized group, which also included other employees of the company.
During April-September 2021, the head of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" ensured the selection of two "necessary" companies as winners of the procurement of 11,904 units. transformer equipment and 79,425 units. electrical measuring devices (meters and auxiliary equipment) at an inflated cost of UAH 132.5 million. At the same time, the price of individual equipment components increased fivefold.
During 2021-2022, as a result of the partial fulfillment of the contract for the supply of transformers and meters at inflated prices, JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" incurred losses in the amount of UAH 12.5 million. Intentions to take possession of another part of the funds, namely UAH 120 million, were foiled after the introduction of martial law and investigative actions by NABU detectives.
He and his accomplices were informed of the suspicion of Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191 and Part 3 of Art. 15, Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 5 of Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
In October 2024, it became known that the Higher Anti-Corruption Court took into custody in absentia the former general affairs director of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" Dmytro Mirniy, whom NABU and SAP suspect of involvement in the scheme to acquire 12.5 million UAH from JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" and an attempt to seize more UAH 120 million of the enterprise.
"The request of the detective is to be satisfied. Choose a preventive measure in the form of detention for the suspect (Dmytro Mirniy - ed.). After the arrest (Mirniy - ed.), and no later than 48 hours from the time of his delivery to the place of criminal proceedings, consider with his participation the issue of applying the selected preventive measure in the form of detention or changing it to a milder preventive measure." , the decision reads.
On October 14, 2024, it became known that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau summoned for questioning the former general affairs director of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" Dmytro Mirniy and the director of the Kharkiv electrical engineering plant "Energomir" Roman Shabanov in the case of the appropriation of UAH 12.5 million from JSC "Kharkivoblenergo".
Relevant subpoenas on summons are published on NABU's website, "Slovo i Dilo" reports.
Summons on summoning Mirniy Dmytro Volodymyrovych. You need to arrive on October 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at NABU to participate in the interrogation as a suspect in criminal proceedings... Summons to summon Roman Ivanovich Shabanov. You must arrive at NABU on October 15, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. to participate in the interrogation as a suspect in criminal proceedings
Persons who are potentially involved in corruption schemes: the suspicion was also reported by the acting chairman of the board of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo" (2020-2024); to the head of the material support department of JSC "Kharkivoblenergo"; to the head of the department of the Kharkiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry; private appraiser and head of a commercial enterprise.
Wealth: in the declaration before his dismissal (period from January 1 to April 21, 2021) from the position of deputy director of the department of housing and communal services and the fuel and energy complex of the Kharkiv regional state administration, Mirniy indicated that during this time he received 46,991 hryvnias in salary.
In the annual report, Mirniy declared 2,820,000 hryvnias of income from the sale of real estate, which his wife received.
From monetary assets, 120,000 hryvnias and 20,000 dollars were entered in the declaration before dismissal. Mirny's family owns a house, two plots of land in Kharkiv and two cars - a 2018 Lexus RX300 and a 2018 Lexus NX200. The cars were bought on one day - January 24, 2019, the cost was 1,530,625 hryvnias and 1,196,734 hryvnias, respectively.

Scandals: in open sources there is no information about other scandals in which Mirniy still appears.
Persons who should have responded: In the case of Mirny, the law enforcement officers responded in time, however, while he managed to avoid punishment.