Position: former Head of the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police - Head of the National Central Bureau of Interpol in Ukraine.
Sphere of corrupt activity: law enforcement.
Region of corruption activity: Kyiv, Kyiv region.
Qualification: Part 1 of Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
Case plot: according to the prosecution, the head of the Interpol Central Bureau in Ukraine, Nevolya, entered knowingly false information into the annual declaration of a person authorized to perform state or local government functions for 2020, which differed from the true information by an amount ranging from 500 to 4,000 subsistence minimums for able-bodied persons (Part 1 of Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The authorities believe that the head of the Interpol department did not indicate his apartment in Kyiv, his wife as a family member, and her apartment in Brovary, Kyiv region.
On January 31, 2023, NABU detectives conducted a search of the apartment allegedly used by Nevolya in the framework of this case and seized a number of documents that are relevant to the case. In particular, they found utility bills, expense invoices in the name of Nevolya and his order as a buyer with checks. The detectives also found a contract for the purchase of property rights to a three-room apartment, where Nevolya is indicated as the buyer. The VAKS seized the seized property.
As is known, in November 2023, the High Anti-Corruption Court acquitted Nevolya.
On November 16, the panel of judges of the Supreme Court of Criminal Procedure passed a verdict and found the head of the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police of Ukraine not guilty. He was accused of committing a criminal offense under Part 1 of Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The court acquitted the official due to the lack of evidence of the elements of a criminal offense in his actions
The Appeals Chamber of the Supreme Administrative Court left this verdict unchanged. The prosecutor of the Supreme Administrative Court filed a cassation appeal against the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court.
SAPO prosecutors are preparing an appeal against the verdict of the Supreme Court of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine dated 16.11.2023, by which the Head of the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police of Ukraine was found not guilty of committing a criminal offense under Part 1 of Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, due to the lack of evidence of the elements of a criminal offense in his actions. Prosecutors disagree with this court decision and will defend their position in the court of appeal.
In January 2025, it became known that the Supreme Court scheduled a hearing for July 31 to consider an appeal against the verdict that acquitted the Head of the Department of International Police Cooperation of the National Police - Head of the National Central Bureau of Interpol in Ukraine, Vasyl Nevolya, of charges of false declaration.
To complete the preparation in the criminal proceedings regarding (Nevolya – ed.). To schedule the cassation review of the criminal proceedings on the prosecutor’s cassation appeal against the ruling of the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court dated August 13, 2024 in the Cassation Criminal Court of the Supreme Court for 10:00 on July 31, 2025
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: being identified.
Assets: in the declaration upon dismissal 01.01.2024 - 03.02.2024 Nevolya indicated a land plot and an apartment, as well as another unfinished apartment. In addition, he indicated a 2006 Toyota Corolla car, the cost of which is UAH 129,325. Nevolya noted, in particular, that he received UAH 43,911 in wages, he also keeps UAH 350,000 and $ 60,000 in cash, while he has UAH 4,256,094 and $ 3,789 in his bank account.

Persons who should have reacted: in the case of Nevolej, law enforcement officers reacted in time, however, he managed to avoid punishment.
Scandals: There is no information in open sources about other scandals in which Nevolya would appear.