Position: deputy of the Vyriv village council of the Sarne district of the Rivne region.
Sphere of corrupt activity: trade.
Region of corruption activity: Rivne region.
Qualifications: None at this time
Status: at large.
Wealth: on the website of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption with declarations of officials and deputies of various levels, there is only one declaration of Volodymyr Pachesny - for 2019. He submitted it in July 2021. And he had to submit it by April 1 and for 2020.
Volodymyr Pachesny, in particular, declares:
- in 2008, he acquired a collection of antique Soviet products (which he did not specify) worth 100,000 hryvnias;
- in January 2013, he borrowed 33,000 hryvnias from the bank and apparently is still paying them;
- in February 2013, bought 124 bitcoins allegedly for 73,920 hryvnias;
- in 2016, purchased a Swiss Patek Philippe watch of an unspecified model for 1 million 442 thousand hryvnias;
- in 2018, I bought another Swiss IWC watch for 560,000 hryvnias (on the manufacturer's website, the cheapest currently costs 138,000 hryvnias);
- in January 2019, he purchased 500 shares of the automobile corporation Tesla at an alleged cost of 6,160 hryvnias per share, i.e., a total of 3,80,000 hryvnias;
- He has 9 million 300 thousand hryvnias, 77 thousand US dollars in cash, and also has 1 million 436 thousand 668 hryvnias, 13 thousand 388 dollars and 300 euros in his accounts at Universal Bank ("Monobank").
Volodymyr Pachesny also lent 170,000 euros to a foreigner, Volodymyr Spinaty. He did not say where he lives.
Everyone received valuable products on their birthday.
If we count the savings and capital investments shown in general, then at the time of filing the declaration, Volodymyr Pachesny had at least 12 million 838.6 thousand hryvnias, 9 million 127.9 thousand dollars and 170 thousand 300 euros.
But it is worth taking into account the constantly changing exchange rate of currency, cryptocurrency and shares.
It is difficult to establish how he was able to earn them.
Volodymyr Pachesny does not show any housing, land, or car in the declaration. But he has it and uses it, he just registered them for his wife, however, according to journalists, the couple broke up.
In his declaration, Pachesny indicated the fortune of his then-wife Iryna Sergeychuk:
- in July 2015, it purchased two plots of land for horticulture with an area of 10.24 hectares in the village of Barmaki near Rivne;
- in March 2016, she took possession of a D. Papanikolau mink fur coat for 280,000 hryvnias;
- in March 2017, she received another mink fur coat of the same brand for 220 thousand hryvnias;
- in February 2018, she bought a new residential building of 297.1 square meters and a strange non-residential premises with an area of 2.8 square meters in the same building as the apartment; the latter is probably a corridor or a cell;
- since October 2018, he has a third Isnova mink fur coat worth 150,000 hryvnias;
- since November 2018, added a Manari sable fur coat to the collection for 420,000 hryvnias;
- since January 2019, owned a 2010 Lexus RX450h car;
- owned a 2013 Lexus RX350 car since February 2019;
- declared 2 million 200 thousand hryvnias and 40 thousand US dollars in cash.
According to journalists, it is difficult to say what Iryna Sergeychuk does and how she earns money for such active acquisition of real estate and fur coats.

Scandals: from open sources it is not known about the scandals in which Pachesny appears, however, journalists have not been able to find out how he earned such a fortune by engaging only, as he himself stated, in retail trade.
The journalist asked Volodymyr Pachesny what an entrepreneur should do to earn such a large amount of cryptocurrency and shares of the global auto giant.
- Is this a big number at that time? It is not 7 million, not 70 million - it is 70 thousand hryvnias. When a person is engaged in something, the amount is large, but it is not global, said the deputy entrepreneur.
And he explained: "there was a retail trade in office equipment."
That is, Volodymyr Pachesny earned bitcoins, and then Tesla shares, selling computers, mice, scanners, printers, and the like.
Related persons: to be established.
Persons who should react : in the case of Pachesny, first of all, the NAC should pay attention to him, or rather to his fortune.
The head of NAZK is Viktor Pavluschyk.
Unified state register of declarations
A deputy of the rural council in the Rivne region declared 124 bitcoins and Tesla shares