Position: Deputy Head of the Chernivtsi Customs Department
Sphere of corrupt activity: customs.
Region of corrupt activity: Chernivtsi region.
Qualification:Qualification: the actions of Potseluiko were qualified under part 1 of Art. 255, Part 2 of Art. 364, Part 3 of Art. 212, Part 4 of Art. 345-1, part 3 of Art. 368, Part 4 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: on April 16, 2024, 11 people were informed of suspicions in Bukovina, who probably caused almost 300 million hryvnias of damage to the Chernivtsi customs office due to non-payment of customs duties and taxes. Among them is the ex-head of customs, an ex-deputy of the regional council and two managers.

According to the prosecutor's office, law enforcement officers discovered three organized groups of more than ten people who were operating at the customs office. They probably evaded payment of duties and taxes for almost 290 million hryvnias.
Thus, during 2017–2019, trucks with commercial goods entered through the checkpoint on the Romanian-Ukrainian border. They did it using forged documents, which made it possible to apply lower import duty rates. Sometimes it was claimed that the trucks were empty.
Probably, the customs authorities ensured the extraordinary passage of these trucks and unhindered customs clearance. In particular, we are talking about the head of customs, who held this position at the time of the crime. During 2017–2019, Mykola Salahor was the head of the customs office.
According to the prosecutor's office, the customs authorities organized a brutal beating of journalists who tried to expose the group's activities.
One co-organizer and four members of the group were detained. The members of the criminal organization were notified of suspicion under several articles of the criminal code. In particular, for the creation of a criminal organization, which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of seven to twelve years with confiscation of property. Also abuse of power, tax evasion, bribery of an official, threats or violence against journalists.
On April 18, the ex-head of the Chernivtsi customs office was ordered to take a preventive measure in the form of detention with the possibility of paying 60 million hryvnias as bail. The term of detention is until June 14.
Mykola Niculescu was also detained. At the same time, the court determined a bail in the amount of UAH 6 million as an alternative preventive measure.
At the same time, the mass media write that bail has already been paid for Niculescu.
What preventive measure was chosen for Gennadiya Potseluiko - to date, it is not known from open sources.
Persons potentially involved in the corruption scheme: 11 persons were part of the criminal organization. In addition to Potseluiko, ex-head of Chernivtsi customs Mykola Salahor, customs official Mykola Niculescu, and Chernivtsi businessman Yuri Kushnir are also implicated in the scheme.
Assets: in the declaration for 2022, Gennadiy Potseluiko declared an apartment in Chernivtsi, and his wife Anastasia - a residential building and a plot of land.

Among the vehicles, Potselujko declared driving a MERCEDES GLC 300, and the official's wife - driving a FORD ESCAPE.
Potseluiko's income for the first year of the full-scale war was UAH 340,354, his wife's - UAH 377,916. The couple did not specify monetary assets.
In 2023, Potseluiko's income was slightly more - UAH 337,486. Instead, his wife declared UAH 692,763 in income.
Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes: law enforcement agencies responded in time to the criminal activities of Potseluiko. In particular, NABU and SAP are dealing with the case.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, he was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.
Facebook - Specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office
Losses amounting to 290 million hryvnias: suspected Chernivtsi customs officers released on bail
What is known about the participants in the case of NABU and SAP on abuses at Chernivtsi customs
Detention or 60 million bail: the customs inspector of Chernivtsi was chosen as a preventive measure