Position: former head of the Poltava regional communal pharmaceutical enterprise "Poltavafarm".
Sphere of corrupt activity: health care.
Region of corruption activity: Poltava city, Poltava region.
Qualification: Part 3 Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: the court sentenced Valery Pryadko to 4 years and 6 months in prison for corruption, but in 2023 it became known that he was released for good behavior.
The plot of the case: the Pryadko case has been going on since 2017. At that time, the police did not accept acts of inspection of points where narcotic drugs were stored for a long time. The official decided to give the law enforcement officers 35,000 hryvnias as an "incentive" for their work.
The assistant director of the KP Ruslan Gniezdov went straight to the Regional Police Department with a bag of money, where he was arrested and detained.
Proceedings were opened against the officials under Part 3 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
In 2020, the Higher Anti-Corruption Court sentenced Valery Pryadko to 4 years and 6 months in prison for corruption. In March 2021, the panel of judges of the Appeals Chamber of the VAX confirmed this decision.
Valery Pryadko was sent to serve his sentence in Mashiv Correctional Colony No. 9. He was supposed to be there until October 2025, but he was released earlier for good behavior.
Valery Pryadko received one reprimand during the period of serving his sentence for violating the requirements for using the Internet. However, he was encouraged six times for conscientious behavior and attitude to work. The head of the colony gave Pryadko the following description:
"He is characterized as a person who has embarked on the path of correction, is currently not employed in the institution, takes reasonable initiative in the performance of works for the improvement of the institution of execution of punishments, observes legal relations and polite attitude towards the staff, treats the property of the institution and objects that he uses with care when performing assigned work, does not allow violations of fire safety and labor safety requirements, participates in educational activities held at the institution, admits guilt in the committed, considers the punishment to be fair.
Also, in April-May 2023, Valery Pryadko worked as a support worker in the repair and construction department.
In July 2023, the administration of the Mashiv colony sent an application to the district court for the prisoner's early release. The submission is substantiated by the fact that the convict has served ½ of the sentence, is characterized as a person who has embarked on the path of correction, and therefore the replacement of the punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty with a milder punishment can be applied to him. The prosecutor did not object to the substitution of the unserved part of the sentence.
The Mashiv District Court granted the petition and changed Valeriya Pryadka's sentence. The court replaced the unserved part of the sentence - 2 years 2 months 11 days - with correctional work.
Pryadko will soon work as a sales manager at Totus-Pharm LLC, a chain of pharmacies in Poltava.
He will give 20% of his salary to the state.
Pryadko's declaration states that his main place of work is "Totus-Farm" LLC.
Persons potentially involved in corruption:
"Assistant" Ruslan Gniezdov.

According to the investigation, Pryadko, who was the head of Poltavafarm KP, together with Hniezdov provided UAH 35,000 in illegal benefits to the deputy head of the department of operational development and organization of intelligence and operational work of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Poltava region.
For this "reward", they tried to speed up inspections and granting of special permits for the use of facilities of the utility company for work related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors.
Proceedings were opened against the officials under Part 3 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Later, it became known that in 2020, the State Criminal Court sentenced Hniezdov to 4.5 years in prison.
If Pryadko was released early, then in the case of Ruslan Hniezdov, there are no court rulings on dismissal.
Wealth: in the declaration for 2023, it is indicated that Pryadko has a plot of land, and his wife has two apartments.
He also received UAH 64,152 in wages for his main job. In addition, he has $45,000 in cash and his wife has €10,000 in cash.

Scandals: in open sources there is no information about other scandals in which Pryadko appears.
Persons who should have reacted to corruption schemes during his tenure: in the case of Pryadko, law enforcement agencies reacted in time.
VAKS explained the sentence of the ex-deputy of the Poltava Regional Council