Position: former deputy head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
The field of corruption activity: tax.
Region of corruption activity: the city of Kyiv.
Qualifications: None at this time.
Status: at large.
Assets: in the declaration for 2019, Ruban listed several real estate objects at once: an apartment, a residential building, and 5 plots of land.

Valuable movable property includes a fur coat, earrings and a Chopard watch, as well as a Breguet watch. In addition, Ruban declared a Mercedes-Benz purchased in 2018.

Ruban's total income for 2019 was UAH 852,439, of which UAH 551,646 was salary, as well as UAH 29,757 for teaching activities.

Ruban declared UAH 300,000 and USD 76,000 in cash. 482,022 hryvnias were deposited in Rubanok's bank accounts.

In 2020, Natalia Ruban declared a new apartment in Kyiv and one plot of land.

In the same year, the ex-official's income reached UAH 1,376,969, of which UAH 731,020 was salary and UAH 33,966 for teaching activities.

In addition, the amount of savings increased - Ruban declared UAH 700,000 for 2019. UAH 973,909 was placed on her bank accounts.

A Mercedes-Benz car and a motorcycle owned by Natalia Ruban's husband also appeared in the declaration for 2021.

In the same year, Ruban's income reached the highest level - UAH 2,320,820. Instead, the income of the ex-official's husband amounted to UAH 1,346,600.

In cash, Ruban declared 700,000 UAH and 106,000 dollars, and her husband - 110,000 dollars and 500,000 UAH. 2,006,375 UAH were deposited in Ruban's bank accounts.

Scandals: in February 2022, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office found more than UAH 18 million in cash and 85 grams of objects similar to gold bars during a search of the bank safe of a relative of the former deputy head of the State Tax Service Natalia Ruban.
According to journalists' sources, NABU and SAP investigated criminal proceedings on the fact of alleged abuse of official position by Natalya Ruban.
According to the investigation, she allegedly contributed to the failure to conduct inspections of Kyiv developers and tax evasion. During the investigation, the detectives established that in 2019-2020, the daughter's husband, Ruban Serhiy Nedilko, purchased from Dekoplus LLC car spaces and one bicycle space in the French Boulevard 2 residential complex for UAH 6.7 million, which he sold a few days later for already close to the market price - for UAH 31.6 million. According to the investigation, the sales department of "French Boulevard 2" residential complex "Bud Capital" contributed to this.
Therefore, NABU detectives searched the bank safe used by the son-in-law of the ex-deputy head of the DPS and found there: more than 535,000 dollars; 95 thousand euros; 85 grams of objects that look like gold bars; two stones that look like diamonds and eight coins that look like gold. As the investigation established, Nedilko had no such income. In addition, in 2021, he purchased non-residential premises worth UAH 5.5 million, and his wife (the daughter of a former DPS official) has property rights in the Signature Residence residential complex worth more than UAH 17 million.
Therefore, NABU and SAP believe that the specified funds and other property of Nedilka were allegedly obtained as a result of illegal acts committed by ex-deputy head of DPS Ruban. This property was also recognized as material evidence.
However, the investigating judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court Oleg Tkachenko refused to seize the property. In his opinion, the seized money, gold bars, coins and stones do not contain traces of a crime and there is no evidence of their alleged illegal origin. SAP filed a complaint against this decision to the appeals chamber of VAX.
In March 2024, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau conducted two more searches in the case of alleged abuse of Natalia Ruban. Detectives searched one of the persons involved in the case and seized a mobile phone from him. On the phone, they found the contacts of other people involved, deleted photos of summonses for questioning to NABU, as well as four messengers in which all correspondence is missing, probably deleted. NABU also searched the former lawyer of "Dekoplus" LLC Vasyl Bartko and seized his phone as well. Correspondence regarding the circumstances of the case was found on him.
Related persons: Vasyl Bartko, a former lawyer of "Dekoplus" LLC, as well as several others, whose names are not mentioned in open sources, are also involved in Ruban's criminal activities.
Persons who should respond: NABU and SAP have responded to Ruban's alleged corrupt activities, but due to court decisions, this story is still open.
NABU found millions of cash from relatives of the ex-deputy head of the tax service
NABU conducted searches in the case of the ex-deputy head of the tax service
Unified state register of declarations