Position: head of the Kharkiv RMA, ex-head of the Poltava regional state administration (from November 11, 2019 to December 24, 2021).
The sphere of corrupt activity: corruption in the illegal clearing of rivers and illegal sand mining.
Region of corruption activity: Poltava region.
Qualification: no punitive measures were applied by law enforcement officers.
Status: at large.
Case plot: With Oleg Sinegubov coming to power in the Poltava region, his name began to appear in scandalous headlines more and more often. In particular, he was called the supreme beneficiary in the implementation of corruption schemes in the illegal cleaning of local rivers and illegal sand mining.
In March 2021, the media accused Sinegubov, the ex-head of the Poltava Regional State Administration, of ignoring the resolution of a number of important issues. One of them is the illegal extraction of sand near the village of Makuhivka, Poltava district, under the guise of restoring the hydrological regime of the Kolomak River. According to journalists, this resulted in losses to the state of over one hundred million hryvnias.
As reported by local publications, Synegubov was a protégé of the scandalous Roman Yarovoi and Vsevolod Kozhemyako, who were among the most influential and corrupt people in Kharkiv.
According to journalists, Synegubov, Kozhemyako and Yarovy were partners of Poltava criminal authority Oleksandr Pavlyuchenko and probably controlled the entire Poltava region and received from 10 to 30 percent of the turnover of contractors at each tender in the region. Allegedly, it is Sinegubov's closeness to extremely influential figures that explains his transformation from a lawyer and university teacher to the governor of Poltava region, to which he has no relation.
Yes, Sinegubov's father - Vasyl Sinegubov - is the deputy director of the company "Agrotrade" - the largest agrarian asset of the aforementioned Kozhemyako. In addition, the same Sinegubov is a partner of Roman Yarovoi, the former director of the Kharkiv Barabashovo market.
Pravo Porada also notes that after Sinegubov became the governor of the Poltava region, a very strange thing happened - payments to all construction contractors in the region were stopped for a while.
They were later restored. However, with one "condition": the contractors were obliged to pay from 10 to 30% of the turnover. Those who refused to pay were immediately checked and searched.
Oleg Sinegubov is also accused of corrupt connections with many big Poltava businessmen, in particular with Oleg Kulinych and Kostyantyn Kasai.
Since December 24, 2021, Synegubov has held the position of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 - the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration.
In April 2023, NABU conducted searches of the head of the Kharkiv RMA Oleh Synegubov, deputy and director of the Department of Agricultural Development in the case of embezzlement of rubber subsidies. It was noted that RMA, for its part, "cooperated maximally and comprehensively with NABU and contributed to its work, provided all requested documents and necessary information to the Agency's detectives."
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes:
As the journalists noted, Oleg Synegubov was a protégé of Roman Yarovoi and Vsevolod Kozhemyako (pictured), who were among the most influential and corrupt people in Kharkiv. According to journalists, Synegubov, Kozhemyako and Yarovy were partners of Poltava criminal authority Oleksandr Pavlyuchenko and probably controlled the entire Poltava region. That is why these persons may be potentially involved in corruption schemes involving Synegubov.

In addition, Sinegubov is accused of having corrupt ties with Oleg Kulinych and Kostyantyn Kasai.

In the declaration for 2020, Synegubov indicated that he owns two apartments in Kharkiv, the official's family has three more apartments registered in Kharkiv and one more rented in Poltava. The declaration also includes two plots of land registered to the official's wife, Anna Zhuravlyova.

Sinegubov owns a Lexus, his wife owns a Porsche Cayenne. The official earned UAH 595,806 and received more than UAH 2.4 million in income from the alienation of movable and immovable property. UAH 157,286 was declared for his wife, of which over UAH 110,000 are social benefits. Sinegubov kept $170,000 in cash, and his wife kept another $20,000. In September 2021, the official declared a gift in the amount of one million hryvnias.

In addition, Oleg Sinegubov's declaration for 2021 became available in the register from December 10, he submitted it on May 26, 2023.
In the report for 2021, Synegubov declared the same apartments and parking spaces, as well as non-residential premises, but the declaration says that Anna Zhuravlyova rented an apartment in Poltava that her husband could use for free.
Zhuravlyova had a plot of 12,805 square meters in Cherkasska Lozova. m. In 2021, she owned a 2010 Porsche Cayenne.

Sinegubov declared 794,996 hryvnias as head of the Poltava Regional State Administration, and 11,278 hryvnias in the Kharkiv Regional State Administration. Zhuravlyova earned 115,014 hryvnias at the medical university in 2021, social security payments and income from the alienation of property.
In 2021, Oleg Sinegubov presented Anna Zhuravlyova with 1 million hryvnias. Sinegubov has $135,000 in cash in his 2021 declaration, his wife has $255,000.

In 2022, Sinegubov earned 885 hryvnias as the head of the Poltava Regional State Administration, and 929,018 hryvnias as the head of the Kharkiv administration.
In 2022, Sinegubov's wife, Anna Zhuravlyova, earned 308,694 hryvnias at the Kharkiv National Medical University, and also received a payment of 10,320 hryvnias from the Social Security Administration of the Shevchenkiv District of Kharkiv.
Anna Zhuravlyova had 30,000 hryvnias — income from the alienation of real estate, as well as.
In 2022, Oleg Synegubov kept 135 thousand dollars and 330 thousand hryvnias in cash, his wife - 255 thousand dollars and 315 thousand hryvnias.
Anna Zhuravlyova had seven bank accounts in 2022, the account type is hidden in the declaration. Oleg Sinegubov — 13 accounts.

Persons who should have responded to corruption schemes:
Considering that Oleg Synegubov still holds a high position, the current head of NABU Semyon Krivonos should pay attention to past corruption schemes.

2. CAP
Oleksandr Klymenko, the acting head of the SAP, was also supposed to respond to schemes related to Sinegubov.

3. SBI — acting head of the bureau, Oleksiy Sukhachev.

In February 2020, Synegubov hit the headlines of many mass media. Then residents of the village of Novi Sanzhary attacked a bus with Ukrainians and some foreigners evacuated from the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Residents of Novy Sanzhar, where a sanatorium was located, chosen as a place of quarantine for people evacuated from China, attacked buses with hundreds of people, pelted them with improvised objects and even entered into a conflict with law enforcement officers.
Netizens and some mass media blamed Synegubov, who was called a negligent manager and unprofessional governor, for what happened.
Sinegubov himself did not see his fault in not conducting explanatory work with the residents of the small village.
Sources :
Compromising evidence - Oleg Sinegubov
Compromise and rumors about Oleg Sinegubov
Kharkiv "parachutist" Oleg Synegubov and his team captured the Poltava Regional State Administration
Possible embezzlement of rubber aid: NABU conducts searches in Kharkiv RMA