Position: Head of the reserve staff of the military medical commission of the Shevchenkivskyi district territorial center for recruitment and social support (DTCP and SS).
Sphere of corrupt activity: national security and defense.
Region of corruption activity: Lviv city.
Qualification: The official is charged with receiving an improper benefit by an official.
Status: at large.
Case story: On January 9, 2025, the head of the reserve military medical commission of the Shevchenkivskyi district territorial center for recruitment and social support (DTCP and SS), 44-year-old Myroslav Sukmanovsky, was detained in Lviv for bribery. The head of the MMC promised to issue a fake diagnosis of unfitness for service for a 43-year-old conscript for $2,000.
As reported by the Special Prosecutor's Office for Defense of the Western Region, a conscript, a native of the Sokal region, turned to a doctor for a fictitious diagnosis, and he agreed to help for $2,000.
According to the agreements, the official was to issue a decision from the Military Commissariat of Defense declaring the man temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons. Thus, he could receive a deferral from conscription during mobilization.
Law enforcement officers documented the illegal transaction and detained the doctor. During searches at his home and workplace, they found and seized over $16,000, UAH 7,000, a mobile phone, a seal, a bank card, and other physical evidence.
The head of the MMC is charged with receiving an illegal benefit by an official, and his client is charged with giving a bribe (Part 3 of Article 368, Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Prosecutors are deciding on the issue of removing the head of the MMC from his position. They are also identifying other persons involved in the scheme.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: Sukmanovsky's "client" is also involved in the scheme - a 43-year-old conscript from the Sokal region.
Assets: in his 2023 declaration, Sukmanovsky indicated that he owns only one apartment in Lviv.

In addition, the official owns a RENAULT MEGANE car, and his wife owns a ZAZ-DAEWOO LANOS TF69Y car.

Sukmanovsky's income for 2023 was UAH 362,016, and his wife's was UAH 401,535.

The official declared $23,000 in cash, and his wife declared UAH 100,000.

Persons who should have reacted: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of Myroslav Sukmanovsky.
Scandals: Before the corruption scheme, Sukmanovsky was not seen as a figure in other scandals.