Position: head of the Uzhhorod DTCP and SS.
Sphere of corrupt activity: national defense and security.
Region of corruption activity: Transcarpathian region.
Qualification: the official's actions were qualified under Part 3 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code and part 3 Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: on November 6, 2024, the head of the Uzhgorod district TCP and the deputy commander of the ground defense were informed by law enforcement officers of the suspicion of receiving bribes to avoid the draft.
According to the information of the law enforcement officers, the head of the regional TCP and the deputy commander of the Teroborony brigade are suspected of receiving bribes of 4,000 dollars per person. Both officials acted separately.
As the media reported, we are talking about the head of the Uzhhorod DTCP and SS Ihor Tyschuk and the deputy commander of the TrO brigade Yuriy Kakabadze.
In exchange for bribes, officials offered conscripts to avoid conscription on the basis of forged MMC documents on the presence of serious illnesses. The cost of such "services" was from 4 thousand dollars per client. According to these documents, conscripts could illegally leave Ukraine
Both officials were informed of suspicions under two articles of ch. 3 Art. 368 of the Criminal Code and part 3 Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code. The suspects face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: in addition to Ihor Tyshchuk, Yuriy Kakabadze, commander of the Uzhhorod Police Department brigade, is also involved in the scheme.
Assets: in the declaration for 2023, Ihor Tyschuk indicated that he owns a non-food store and a plot of land in the city of Uzhhorod. At the same time, the official's wife Alla owns a residential building and a plot of land in Uzhhorod.

In addition, the couple owns several cars. In particular, Ihor Tyschuk declared a Mercedez-Benz 240 D, and his wife Alla - a Mercedes-Benz 300D, a Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.6 and a NISSAN QASHQAI. At the same time, the couple did not specify the value of any car.
In 2023, Igor Tyshchuk's income amounted to UAH 766,027. Instead, the income of the official's wife was UAH 5,428,425.

Ihor Tyschuk declared $10,000 in cash, and his wife declared $30,000.

Persons who should have responded: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of Ihor Tyschuk and his accomplice Yuriy Kakabadze. Both men received suspicion.
Scandals: before the emergence of the corruption scheme, Ihor Tyshchuk was not noticed as a figure in other scandals.