Position: Director of the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of the Kyiv City State Administration.
Sphere of corrupt activity: environmental protection.
Region of corruption activity: Kyiv city.
Qualification: under Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
Case story: On December 13, 2024, the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of the Kyiv City State Administration, Oleksandr Vozny, was informed of suspicion of allegedly receiving a bribe.
According to law enforcement officials, the suspect and his accomplices demanded a bribe for the issuance of free permits for emissions of pollutants into the air by stationary sources. They allegedly returned packages of documents for revision under fabricated pretexts.
It was established that employees of a company controlled by the official were intermediaries in obtaining permits. At least five companies received the "services".
"The cost of the "assistance" was up to 20 thousand hryvnias, depending on the number of pollution sources specified in the permit," the report says.
The official was informed of suspicion under Part 3 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He may face up to 10 years in prison and confiscation of property. The issue of choosing a preventive measure and removal from office is currently being resolved.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: In addition to Vozny, accomplices are also involved in the scheme. However, their names and surnames are not publicly disclosed.
Assets: In his 2023 declaration, Vozny indicated that he owns a residential building, a land plot, and a production and warehouse space. The official also indicated free use of an apartment in Kyiv and the lease of a land plot.

Vozny also indicated the free use of two cars - a Mercedes-Benz GLE250 and a BMW 520, as well as a Ducati MONSTER 797 motorcycle.

Vozny's income for 2023 was UAH 1,057,309, and his wife Hanna's was UAH 281,905.

Oleksandr Vozny declared 450,000 UAH, 16,500 USD, and 20,000 EUR in cash. In return, his wife declared 250,000 UAH and 60,000 USD in cash.

Persons who should have reacted: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of the official.
Scandals: Before the corruption scheme, Vozny was not seen as a figure in other scandals.