Position: former head of the production structural unit of the "Cherkasy Track Repair and Mechanical Plant" branch of the "Center for Repair and Operation of Tracked Vehicles" of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".
Sphere of corrupt activity: public procurement.
Region of corruption activity: Cherkasy region.
Qualification: the official's actions were qualified under Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: in custody.
Case story: in June 2024, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office reported suspicions to five individuals who had seized UAH 17.1 million from the branch of the "Center for Repair and Operation of Tracked Vehicles" of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".
According to media reports, it was about the former head of the production structural unit of the Cherkasy Rail Repair and Mechanical Plant, a branch of the Central Railway Repair and Maintenance Company of Ukraine, Roman Zheliznyak, and four other people.
The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, together with employees of the NABU and the SBU, exposed an organized criminal group that, during 2021–2022, appropriated funds from JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" through the abuse of official positions by officials of the Cherkasy Rail Repair and Mechanical Plant of the branch "Center for Repair and Operation of Rail Vehicles" of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia". Currently, five members of the organized group have been notified of the suspicion, and its leader has been detained under Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.
The SAPO added that the suspicion was reported to: the head of an organized criminal group; two heads of structural units of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia"; an official of the same structural unit and another employee of the unit.
According to the NABU investigation, in 2021, the former director of the production structural unit of the Cherkasy Rail Repair and Mechanical Plant of the UZ branch formed an organized group from among current and former employees of the plant for the purpose of illegal enrichment.
During April 2021 - February 2022, he achieved the election of pre-determined companies as winners of the procurement of services for the repair of rail vehicles. However, such repairs were not actually carried out, and members of the organized group forged documents that indicated that work was supposedly performed by a number of enterprises with signs of fictitiousness. As a result, Ukrzaliznytsia suffered losses in the amount of UAH 17.1 million, which were taken over by the participants in the crime.
Later, the court arrested the former head of the Cherkasy Railway Repair and Mechanical Plant, Zheliznyak. As an alternative, he was set a bail of UAH 12 million. Later, his arrest was extended, but the bail was reduced to UAH 10 million. After some time, his arrest was extended and the bail was reduced to UAH 6 million.
On January 3, 2025, the Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court remanded Zheliznyak in custody and left the 6 million UAH bail unchanged as an alternative.
On February 7, 2025, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended Roman Zheliznyak's detention until April 7, 2025 inclusive. His bail was reduced to UAH 5 million.
The request of the SAPO prosecutor to extend the term of detention of the suspect Roman Ivanovych Zheliznyak in criminal proceedings is partially granted. The term of the preventive measure in the form of detention for the suspect is extended until April 7, 2025 inclusive. Bail is set for the suspect in the amount of UAH 5 million.
Persons potentially involved in corruption schemes: two heads of a structural unit of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia"; an official of the same structural unit and another employee of the unit.
Assets: Zheliznyak last filed a declaration in 2020. Then, before his dismissal, the ex-official indicated that he owned two land plots and an apartment in Cherkasy. At the same time, his wife Yulia owns an apartment, a residential building, and a land plot.

Zheliznyak also indicated that he owns a Kia Sorento (worth UAH 663,000) and a passenger car.

Zheliznyak's income for 2020 was UAH 227,850. In contrast, his wife's income was UAH 926,488. The couple did not declare any financial assets.

Persons who should have reacted: law enforcement agencies responded in a timely manner to the criminal activities of the organized group, handing each of its members a suspicion.
Scandals: Before the corruption scheme, Zheliznyak was not seen as a figure in other scandals.