Anti-Corruption Court denied MP Kormyshkina’s travel abroad

Anti-Corruption Court denied MP Kormyshkina’s travel abroad image

The HIgh Anti-Corruption Court did not allow MP Iryna Kormyshkina, whom the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office suspect of illicit enrichment and false declarations, to go to Austria for treatment of a sperm infection.

As is known, the Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals released People's Deputy Kormyshkina on bail from the head of the Servant of the People faction, David Arakhamia, and the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Kim. She is obliged to: report a change in her place of residence and place of work; hand over her foreign passports and refrain from communicating with the persons specified in the investigative judge's ruling.

The MP's lawyer is requesting permission for her to travel to Austria for treatment. However, the judge refused because he was not provided with evidence that the suspect's treatment cannot be provided in other medical institutions, including in Ukraine.

The motion of the suspect's defense counsel to change the preventive measure is denied. The decision shall enter into force from the moment of its announcement and shall not be subject to separate appeal. Objections to this decision may be filed during the preparatory proceedings in court.

– the decision states.

Iryna Kormyshkina is a figurehead of the EBK base.

As a reminder, NABU and SAPO reported suspicions of People's Deputy Iryna Kormyshkina in illicit enrichment. According to the investigation, in 2021-2022 she acquired assets that exceed official income and savings for this period by more than UAH 20 million. For the funds received as unfounded assets, the People's Deputy later purchased a house near Odessa through a legal entity, in which she lives.

Later it became known that the Supreme Court released People's Deputy Kormyshkina on the bail of the head of the Servant of the People faction, David Arakhamia, and the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, Vitaliy Kim.

We previously wrote that a former police officer in Kharkiv was fined for a $1,000 bribe.