Appeal leaves Nosov's case in HACC

The Appellate Chamber of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court left the criminal proceedings in the VACS on the accusation of the lawyer Oleksiy Nosov in offering a bribe to NABU and SAP in the interests of the person involved in the case, businessman Mykhailo Kiperman.
Such a decision was made by AС HACC.
Petition of the defense attorney to transfer the criminal proceedings from the High Anti-Corruption Court to the Shevchenkiv District Court of Kyiv to be dismissed
The anti-corruption court arrested lawyer Nosov with an alternative bail of UAH 12 million. Later, his bail was reduced to UAH 1.21 million. These funds were deposited and Nosov was released from custody. The following duties were assigned to him: to arrive at the first request; not to leave Kyiv region, including Kyiv, without permission; to report a change of residence and/or place of work; refrain from communicating with the applicant in criminal proceedings; deposit foreign passports and wear an electronic bracelet. Duties have ended.
Subsequently, the High Anti-Corruption Court refused to close the criminal proceedings against Nosov. Also, the court did not return the indictment to the prosecutor.
We will remind you that Oleksiy Nosov is a member of the EBK base.