The figure in the case of the ex-head of the SMFU was charged with damages

Bills worth hundreds of millions of UAH: the defendant in the investigation of the ex-head of the SMFU was found to be under suspicion
Investigators of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) informed another person involved in the report of the Sovereign Mining Fund of Ukraine (SMFU) as a suspect Dmitra Sennichenko, who is a participant in the “EBK” database.
They became suspicious.
We are talking about Vladislav Kliszhar, a spokesman for the Czech company Belanto trade sro, which was the “United Oil and Chemical Company” that sold ilmenite concentrate at reduced prices.
Belanto Trade sro was registered with Prazia on February 25, 2014 (ID 02703432). The founder and director since 2019 is Iveta Shilganova. The statutory capital of the company is 120 Czech crowns, which is equivalent to 142 hryvnia. According to data from the ImportGenius database of maritime export-import transportation of goods, from November 11, 2020 to February 31, 2021, within the framework of eleven deliveries, the OGKhK increased Belanto trade to 78 thousand tons of ilmenite concentrate. All deliveries, with special documents, were transported to the ports of Turechchina, and the goods were exchanged for other, usually Russian, ships that delivered them to the ports of Crimea or the Kerch Channel. This is the most popular route in the “Ilmenite scheme”, which will operate until 2022.
NABU and SAP established that in late 2020, the organizer of the ZO achieved recognition as a “loyal” v.o. Director of the OGKhK. That, on its own side, on the top of the market for 2020-2021 in the name of the state has cleverly entered into contracts for the sale of titanium alloy (ilmenite concentrate) from the head controlled by the Radar FDMU by a Czech company for reduced prices.
This product was then resold at market prices. As the investigation established, ilmenite concentrate was supplied to Russian enterprises and to the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimea. This led to the increase in the power of over 111 million UAH.