Lviv Oncologist Sentenced for Bribery

The Zaliznychny District Court of Lviv sentenced oncologist Ihor Bekar for bribery. He took $1,500 for influencing MSEK officials to extend his disability group. The court fined the doctor UAH 68,000.
As indicated in the verdict, which was published in the court registry in December 2024, oncologist Ihor Bekar of the 5th City Clinical Polyclinic of Lviv received $1,500 in bribes on July 15 for influencing officials of the Interdistrict Specialized Oncological MSEC No. 1. For the bribe, the doctors were supposed to extend the third group of disability for the man.
After transferring the money, the doctor was detained and a criminal case was opened against him under Part 2 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of influence). He pleaded guilty in court.
The case was considered by Judge Ivanna Ivaniuk, who examined all the materials and found the accused guilty of a criminal offense, imposing a fine of 68 thousand UAH. The SBU must return the $1,500 bribe. The verdict can still be appealed.
It was previously reported that a Ternopil official is suspected of purchasing low-quality bags.
We also wrote that in the Kyiv region, the former head of the Communist Party is suspected of negligence.