Court Sets Bail for Businessman Kormyshkin at UAH 15 Million

Court Sets Bail for Businessman Kormyshkin at UAH 15 Million image

The High Anti-Corruption Court has imposed a preventive measure in the form of a bail of UAH 15 million on businessman Yuriy Kormyshkin, who is a suspect in the case of his wife, MP Iryna Kormyshkina, on charges of illegal enrichment.

The petition is partially granted. A preventive measure in the form of a bail of UAH 15 million is applied to the suspect Kormyshkin Yuriy Anatoliyovych.

– the judge announced the decision.

The suspect was also given the following obligations: not to leave the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions without permission; to report any change in place of residence and place of work; and to refrain from communicating with a number of people.

Recall, NABU and SAPO reported suspicions of businessman Kormyshkin in money laundering and false declaration. According to the investigation, in 2021-2022, Kormyshkina acquired funds in the amount of more than 20 million UAH, which exceed official income and savings for this period. At the same time, the man made a number of deals and financial transactions to hide the source of origin of such property. For the funds received as unfounded assets, the People's Deputy later purchased a house near Odessa through a legal entity, in which she lives.

Earlier, the Supreme Court of Ukraine continued the investigation into the case of People's Deputy Kormyshkina .