Judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal will be tried for a bribe of $35,000

The specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office (SAP) sent an indictment to the court against four judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal, who are suspected of receiving an illegal benefit in the amount of 35,000 dollars.
According to "Slovo i Dilo", judges Viktor Glynanyi, Ihor Palenyk, Vyacheslav Dzyubin and Yuriy Sliva are in question. On September 20, 2024, the SAP prosecutor submitted the indictment to the court, completing the pre-trial investigation conducted by NABU. Judges are accused of receiving a bribe for making a decision to cancel the seizure of property, including two airplanes, in the case of the former head of Motor-Sich Vyacheslav Boguslaev.
According to the investigation, 35,000 dollars were distributed as follows: Vyacheslav Dzyubin kept 10,000 dollars for himself, and gave the remaining 25,000 dollars to other judges - Yuri Sliva, Ihor Palenik and Viktor Glynyan. Palenyk received money in a whiskey box, and Sliva and Glynyany each received $8,300 in a package of coffee and an advertising brochure of the provider, respectively.
During the searches, the indicated sums were found in the possession of the judges. The investigation is over, and now the case will be considered by the court.
Let us remind you that Vyacheslav Dzyubin , Yuriy Sliva , and Ihor Palenyk are members of the "EBK" base.