HACC Sets Bail for Former Criminal Investigation Deputy Head

The High Anti-Corruption Court set a bail of UAH 1.5 million for the former acting deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police, Oleh Tkachenko.
NABU and SAPO suspect him of involvement in the case of MP Mykola Zadorozhny.
This was reported by the press service of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, without mentioning the names of the defendants.
According to media reports, this is Tkachenko, who was informed of the suspicion the day before.
On December 24, 2024, the investigating judge of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine supported the position of the SAPO prosecutor and applied a preventive measure in the form of a bail of UAH 1.5 million to the former acting deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine, suspected of aiding and abetting in a completed attempt to obtain illegal benefit in a particularly large amount. The court also imposed relevant procedural obligations on the person
According to media reports, Tkachenko was given the following obligations: to arrive upon first demand; to report any change of residence and work; not to leave the locality in which he lives without permission; to refrain from communicating with a number of people; to hand over his foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet.
As a reminder, NABU and SAPO reported suspicions against People's Deputy Mykola Zadorozhny. According to the investigation, he demanded 14% of the funds allocated for the repair of the water supply in the village of Mala Pavlivka, Komyshanska rural united territorial community, Okhtyrsky district, Sumy region: 10% of which was allocated to him personally and 4% - for local law enforcement officers, who in return were not supposed to obstruct the use of the allocated funds. According to the investigation, this is about UAH 3.4 million.
Earlier it became known that the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal in the Okhmatdyt case.
We also wrote that the Supreme Court of Justice extended the duties of the prosecutor of the Cherkasy region.