HACC suspends judge's case due to his mobilization

HACC suspends judge's case due to his mobilization image

The High Anti-Corruption Court has suspended the hearing of the case on charges of Volodymyr Serdynskyi, a judge of the Brovary City District Court of Kyiv Region, with receiving $4,000 in illegal benefits because he is serving in the military.

As the court established, Serdynskyi is serving in the military as an assistant rifleman-grenade launcher in the rifle department of the rifle company, which is confirmed by a letter signed by the commander of the relevant military unit.

To suspend the legal proceedings against (Seredynskyi – ed.) the accused of committing a criminal offense under Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine until his release from military service or until the accused has a real opportunity to participate in court sessions

– the decision states.

Volodymyr Serdynskyi is a suspect in the EBK database.

As a reminder, the SAPO referred the case of the judge of the Brovary City District Court of the Kyiv Court, Volodymyr Serdynskyi, to court. According to the prosecution, the judge received an illegal benefit from a representative of one of the parties in a civil case for making a decision in her interests. He received part of the illegal benefit in the amount of $1,000 earlier for making a decision to request evidence in the case. While receiving the second part of the illegal benefit in the amount of $3,000. for making a decision to collect a debt in favor of the plaintiff on that day, he was exposed "red-handed" by NABU detectives.

Earlier it became known that officers of the National Police of Ukraine exposed a scheme in Lviv to sell medical certificates necessary for registering a disability.

We also wrote that the commander who left soldiers behind in the rear for a bribe would be tried.