HACC extended duties for Rivne Customs official

HACC extended duties for Rivne Customs official image

The High Anti-Corruption Court has extended the term of office of the suspended head of the department for combating smuggling and customs violations of the Rivne customs, Andriy Dzyuba, until April 6. NABU and SAPO suspect him of bribery.

As is known, the anti-corruption court extended Dzyuba's arrest for two months. These funds were paid and he was released from custody. The suspect was given the following obligations: to appear at every summons; not to leave Kyiv and the Kyiv region without permission; to report any change in his place of residence and work; to refrain from communicating with a number of persons; to hand over his foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet. The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office again requested to extend these obligations.

The motion to extend the term of the duties assigned to the suspect (Dzyuba – ed.) is granted. The term of the duties assigned to the suspect (Dzyuba – ed.) is extended for two months - until April 6, 2025.

– the decision states.

Previously, the High Anti-Corruption Court extended until July 3 the investigation period of the case on suspicion of Andriy Dzyuba, head of the department for combating smuggling and violations of customs rules of the Rivne customs, in receiving illegal benefits.

Andriy Dzyuba is a figure in the EBK database.