HACC Extends Suspension of Cherkasy Prosecutor

The High Anti-Corruption Court extended until February 12 the suspension of Anton Grekov from the position of prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of Law Compliance by Bodies Combating Organized Crime of the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office.
As is known, the anti-corruption court suspended Grekov from his position. The prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office requested that the suspension be extended for another two months.
To grant the request of the SAPO prosecutor to extend the term of suspension from office. To extend, within the pre-trial investigation period, until February 12, 2025 inclusive, the term of suspension of the suspect (Grekov – ed.) from the position of prosecutor of the department for supervision of compliance with laws by bodies combating organized crime, Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office
We also reported that the Supreme Court of Criminal Appeals reduced the bail amount from UAH 3 million to UAH 2.25 million and extended the term of office of Anton Grekov, the prosecutor of the department for supervising compliance with laws by bodies combating organized crime, of the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office, until February 12.
Anton Grekov is a figure in the EBK database.