HACC Lifts Some Obligations on Two Kyiv Court Judges

The higher anti-corruption court canceled part of the duties assigned to judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal Viktor Glynyany and Yuriy Slyva, whom the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office accuses of receiving illegal benefits.
Earlier, the anti-corruption court arrested Glyniany with the possibility of bail in the amount of UAH 5 million, which was posted for him. He was released from the pre-trial detention center with obligations: to appear at every request, not to leave Kyiv without permission, to inform about a change of place of residence and work, to refrain from communicating with suspects and witnesses, to hand in foreign passports and to wear an electronic bracelet.
Later, the electronic bracelet was removed from Glynany and he was allowed to move freely in Kyiv, Kyiv and Chernihiv regions. The SAP prosecutor asked for the continuation of other duties, while the defense demanded their partial cancellation. The court decided to leave only two obligations: to refrain from communicating with witnesses regarding the circumstances of the case and to hand over foreign passports. Judge Sliva was left with the same duties. The validity period has been extended until January 3, 2025.
We will remind you that Yuriy Sliva is a member of the "EBK" database.
Earlier, we also reported that HACC decided to remove the electronic bracelet from the former People's Deputy and Chairman of the Mukachevo District Council of Zakarpattia Oblast Mykhailo Lanyo, but extended other duties until November 25. NABU and SAP suspect Lanyo of organizing abuses in the amount of UAH 75 million during the sale of the territory of the "Avangard" stadium in Mukachevo.