Position: People's Deputy of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada from the "Servant of the People" party.
Sphere of corruption activity: law enforcement.
Region of corruption activity: Kryvyi Rih, Kyiv.
Qualification: criminal proceedings have been registered on the fact of possible abuse of influence by people's deputies of Ukraine and other persons on the grounds of a criminal offense provided for in part 1 of article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Status: at large.
The plot of the case: in November 2019, the now-deceased deputy Anton Polyakovu published a 4-minute audio recording on Telegram, in which another representative of the "Servant of the People" Yury Koryavchenkov, known by the stage name "Yuzik", allegedly talks to the head of the Kryvyi Rih police and mentions local politicians Yuriy Vilkula and Kostyantyn Hlibova.
The State Bureau of Investigation is also mentioned several times in the conversation. Ex-Deputy Minister of Infrastructure for European Integration Oleksandra Klitina was also discussed on these recordings.
Yuriy Koryavchenkov later confirmed that in September he spoke with Kryvyi Rih law enforcement officers, but stated that the conversation was about the illegal gambling business and the fight against drug trafficking.
In the unpublished part of the conversation between people's deputy Yury Koryavchenkov ("Yuzika") and his colleagues from "Servant of the People" with the Kryvyi Rih police, the latter demanded a "tribute" in the amount of 600,000 dollars every month.
Polyakov said this in an interview with OBOZREVATEL. According to him, the tapes themselves were sent to him anonymously by a source who told what the people's deputies agreed on in the full version of the conversation.
"I would very much like to listen to the full recording of the conversation. As far as I know (the person who dropped her wrote to me), it is further said that these six deputies will demand a monthly payment of 600,000 dollars from the Kryvyi Rih police. Maybe because there are six people and 100 thousand for each.
In December 2019, the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office opened pre-trial proceedings after publications in the mass media regarding the publication of an audio recording of a conversation between the deputy from the "Servant of the People" Koryavchenkov and the Kryvyi Rih police.
This is stated in the message of the Prosecutor General's Office to the "Court Reporter" publication, which was received by Radio Liberty.
According to the statement of the head of the third department of the SAP, Vasyl Krychun, the case was opened on the grounds of an offer, promise or provision of an illegal benefit to an official for him or for third parties for committing or not committing certain actions.
"According to the results of the processing of mass media reports by the prosecutor of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, criminal proceedings have been registered on the fact of possible abuse of influence by people's deputies of Ukraine and other persons on the grounds of a criminal offense provided for in part 1 of Article 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the response reads.
Almost five years have passed since that time, however, it is still not known at what stage the investigation is at.
Особи, які потенційно причетні до корупційних схем: зустріч відбувалася в ресторані «Околиця» у Кривому Розі. З боку «Слуги народу» в ній брали участь нардепи Володимир Захарченко, Владлен Неклюдов, Юрій Кисіль, Олена Криворучкіна,, В’ячеслав Медяник, Юрій Корявченков «Юзік» і його дружина Тетяна Корявченкова.
Поліцію у розмові представили Володимир Огурченко (керівник поліції Дніпропетровської області) та тодішній претендент на посаду головного поліцейського Кривого Рогу – Сергій Лукашов.
Статки: у своїй декларації за 2022 рік депутат зазначив, що з 1 червня 2022 року (тобто на 4й місяць повномасштабної війни) його дружина Тетяна з двома доньками і сином отримали право користування квартирою в Іспанії.
При цьому депутат не вказує, у якому місті ця квартира знаходиться та кому вона належить (невідомому іноземному громадянину).
Робить він так, вірогідно, з метою забезпечення безпеки рідних. І, скоріше за все, люди, які користуються квартирою, знають, хто є її власником. Станом на 31 грудня 2023 року в Іспанії перебувало 186 тис. біженців з України (за даними ООН).
Самому ж Юрію Корявченкову належить квартира у Києві (103,4 кв. м), придбана ще у 2008 році за майже мільйон гривень.
А ще він орендує приміщення (31,7 кв. м) у Кривому Розі у нинішнього голови Дніпропетровської обласної ради Миколи Лукашука. Дружині депутата належать не введений в експлуатацію дачний будинок (260 кв. м) та ділянка (1 тис. 821 кв. м) у селі Проців Бориспільського району Київської області, квартира (136,1 кв. м) у Києві за 3 млн 319 тис. 612 грн, машиномісце у Києві (17,4 кв. м) за 137 тис. 212 грн, третина квартири (56,4 кв. м) у Кривому Розі, 2 ділянки (1 тис. 652 кв. м) у селищі Нововоронцовка на Херсонщині
У 2022 році депутат Юрій Корявченков заробив 398 тис. 82 грн зарплати у Верховній Раді України (у 2021 році - 509 тис. 844 грн), а також 7 грн відсотків у ПриватБанку. Натомість дружина депутата акумулювала дохід 5,25 млн грн завдяки підприємницькій діяльності (у 2021 році - 5,4 млн грн), отримала 77 тис. 418 грн стипендії в Одеському національному політехнічному університеті та 8 тис. 654 грн процентів. Невідомо, чи ці гроші вона заробила ще під час перебування в Україні або у тому числі знаходячись в Іспанії.
Депутат задекларував у себе 80 тис. дол. готівкою, а також 21 тис. 85 грн і 183 дол. та 9 євро на рахунках. У дружини ж було 40 тис. євро готівкою, 664 тис. 117 грн і 39 тис. 998 євро на банківських рахунках. За перший рік повномасштабної війни Юрій Корявченков витратив 30 тис. дол. та 55 тис. 674 грн своїх заощаджень, дружина — відклала навпаки собі додатково 429 тис. 495 грн.
The deputy's wife owns a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, which she bought in 2013 for UAH 488,174. And also Toyota Land Cruiser 2020, purchased for 2 million 84 thousand 451 UAH, which is used by the deputy himself. The deputy is wearing a Breitling watch, which he bought in 2010 for UAH 150,000. The deputy's wife has 62 shares of Raiffeisen Bank Aval, which could be sold for UAH 5-17. And Yuzik is a member of the board and co-founder of the public organization "Servant of the People. Kryvyi Rih".

In the declaration of the "servant of the people" for the year 2023, which he submitted recently, there is no longer a plot of land and an unfinished house in the village of Protsiv, Boryspil district, Kyiv region. The real estate was registered to his wife Tatiana - she received UAH 2,742,645 for the alienation of the property.
It is interesting that the house was sold at least three times cheaper than the market value. Currently, similar estates with inhabited cottages or in the final stage of construction in Protsevo are being sold for 9-12 million hryvnias. As indicated in the politician's declaration, the 18-acre plot was purchased in 2017 for UAH 182,100. The two-story house was built on 260 "squares", but as the journalists of "Informator" were convinced, no external and internal decoration was done here, construction materials can be seen on the territory. Pine trees grow on the site, but it needs additional landscaping.
Scandals: in March 2020, People's Deputy from "Servant of the People" Yuriy Koryavchenkov was involved in a road accident in Kyiv.
People's deputy from "Batkivshchyna" Volodymyr Kabachenko became a witness to the road accident.
Judging by the photos published by the deputy of the "Fatherland" party on Facebook, Koryavchenkov became the culprit of the accident.

Satisfied Yuzik against the background of the not very satisfied owner of the car into which Yuzik drove, Kabachenko captioned the photo.
Note that Yuriy Koryavchenkov is not the first to violate traffic rules. In Odesa, he left his Toyota SUV right in the middle of the intersection and left. His car blocked the road for rescuers who continue to eliminate the consequences of the fire at the Odessa college.
Persons who should have reacted: in the case of Koryavchenkov, the law enforcement officers reacted, however, it is not known at what stage of the investigation.
Millionaire wife and surprises in the declaration. What MP "Yuzik" is remembered for in the Rada
Unified state register of declarations
People's deputy "Yuzik" got into a road accident: photo