Verkhovna Rada

Bondar Viktor
"Corruption in Procurement for UZ" by Viktor Bondar

Kreidenko Volodymyr
"An apartment earned on cherries" by Volodymyr Kreidenko

Franchuk Igor
"Scheme for procurement of uniforms for the Armed Forces of Ukraine" by Ihor Franchuk

Taruta Sergey
"5,3 million hryvnias" by Taruta

Koryavchenkov Yuriy
"600 thousand dollars" Koryavchenkov

Kit Andriy
"Elite cars and millions in cash" by Andrii Kit

Konstankevich Iryna
"Apartment" Konstankevich

Shinkarenko Ivan
"A million from my wife and an SUV" by Ivan Shynkarenko

Aristov Yuriy
"Business trip to the Maldives" by Yuriy Aristov

Arakhamia David
"Salaries for MPs in envelopes" Arakhamia

Ivahiv Stepan
"Millionaire from Volyn" Ivahiv

Kuzminikh Sergiy
"Zhytomyr Schemes" by Sergii Kuzminikh