HACC Appeals Chamber Upholds Detention for Former SBI Advisor

The Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court kept in custody the godfather of the former director of the State Bureau of Investigations Roman Truba, ex-head of the Main Investigative Department of the General Prosecutor's Office Igor Shcherbina. He was found guilty.
As you know, the anti-corruption court found Shcherbina guilty and sentenced him to 6 years in prison. The court also took him into custody. Shcherbyna's defense attorney filed an appeal against the verdict. In addition, the accused's lawyer requested to change the preventive measure from detention to house arrest.
The motion of the defense counsel of the accused (Shcherbiny - ed.) to change the preventive measure of the accused in the form of detention to a preventive measure in the form of house arrest should be rejected
The court also subpoenaed three witnesses in the case.
According to the indictment, Shcherbyna, through the mediation of businessman Valentyn Shevchenko, demanded $150,000 in illegal benefits from the capital developer, allegedly for the former director of the SBI, Roman Truba, for closing the criminal proceedings being investigated by the territorial administration of this body against the developer company. They received part of the illegal profit in the amount of 75 thousand dollars, after which they were detained. Shevchenko entered into an agreement with the investigation in this case, which was approved.
We will remind, earlier it became known that the duties of the ex-head of the Supreme Court Knyazev were extended until the end of December .
We also wrote that doctors were exposed in Rivne for forging certificates for evaders .