SAP Refers Ukrgazvydobuvannya Officials' Case to Court

SAP Refers Ukrgazvydobuvannya Officials' Case to Court image

The specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office has referred a case to court accusing the director of the field development department of JSC Ukrgazvydobuvannya, Ihor Fomenko, and the former head of the strategic oil service projects department of UGV, Yevhen Stashenko, of embezzlement of UAH 340 million.

The press service of the SAPO reports this, but does not mention the names of the suspects.

According to media reports from their own sources, this concerns Fomenko and Stashenko.

On March 4, 2025, the SAPO prosecutor, based on the materials of the NABU pre-trial investigation, sent to the court an indictment against the current and former officials of JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" involved in a criminal scheme, the implementation of which during the conclusion and execution of the contract to increase natural gas production between JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" and a private foreign company caused losses in the amount of more than UAH 340 million. Since September 2024, the prosecution has been familiarizing itself with the case materials

– informs the prosecutor's office.

Recall, NABU and SAPO reported suspicion to a former and current official of the company "Ukrgazvydobuvannya". According to the investigation, in 2019-2020, UGV held a competition and concluded an agreement with the company "Expert Petroleum Ukraine" to provide services to increase natural gas production at the company's fields. Under its terms, the company was to carry out basic and increased production of "blue fuel". At the same time, the cost of basic production of 1 cubic meter of gas was to be 3-4 times lower than the cost of increased production, and the volume was fixed.

However, UGV officials, by amending the tender documentation, reduced the base natural gas production rate by 750 million cubic meters over the 15 years of the potential contract. In addition, a condition was added to the contract, according to which the calculation of monthly base production indicators during the contract term was to be based on the company's production volumes during 2020, which UGV officials prohibited its employees from increasing.

Thus, for the period from October 2020 to November 2023, JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" suffered losses in the amount of UAH 340 million.

Previously, investigators exposed an official of the Lyubotyn City Council for accepting a bribe.

We also wrote that the Supreme Court of Justice has ordered a hearing on the case of bribery of the head of the State Medical Service.