Former Military Official in Khmelnytsky Detained for Bribe

In Khmelnytskyi, the law enforcement officer exposed a former official of the regional military committee, who promised a man of conscription age to prepare documents for a postponement, for taking a bribe. The suspect estimated his services at 8,000. dollars
According to the investigation, the official promised the conscript for a bribe to influence the employees of the TCP and grant a postponement from mobilization, prepare military registration documents, update the data, order him to be registered for military service and record the decision of the MMC without the client's physical presence.
The perpetrator was arrested after he received the second part of the promised amount - 6 thousand. dollars
So far, the man has already been charged with criminal charges. 3 Art. 369-2 (abuse of influence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the sanction of which provides from three to eight years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. The investigation is ongoing.
Previously, the SSU, together with the police and the prosecutor's office, exposed a criminal group that included MSEC officials. The participants of the large-scale scheme made money from evaders and issued them fictitious certificates on the establishment of disability groups.
Also recently, the Security Service of Ukraine and investigators of the National Police exposed the head of one of the inter-district centers of MSEC in Kirovohrad Oblast for corruption schemes .